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I'm seriously struggling with changa...looking for input

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The Lizard Wizard
Staff member

Ever since I successfully created the changa, I've tried it three times (never got to breakthrough though). Two times in my apartment, one time in nature. For someone with as much reverence and respect for the substance, I am far from satisfied with the results.

The first two times I tried it the experience was not very pleasant. There was a certain amount of awe and curiosity, but overall it left me very unsatisfied. The third time I tried it, which was a couple of hours ago as of writing this, it was downright a struggle, and extremely unpleasant.

The day I had was interesting. I visited a local gardener that had implemented the principles of permaculture in his garden just to see what it was like, and to learn something. I was absolutely amazed by the effectiveness and results he had achieved thanks to following the principles of permaculture. After that, I went to the gym and did a very nice mobility drill and some cardio.

As I got home, I took a shower and was feeling great. I had repeated a positive mantra many times in my head. I had turned off the lights in the room and had lit two scented candles before me on the desk. I had put some of my favorite music (Wardruna) on repeat quietly in the background. I loaded around 150mg of changa in the bong, sat naked in my bed, and ripped one fat toke. I had intentions of ripping two, but as soon as I inhaled the first one it became so intense I had time only to leave the bong aside and slide back in my bed before an all-encompassing decomposition of reality completely took over.

The thing that bothers me is not the visual oddity of it all, but the physical tension and body load I get from this changa I made. Every time I smoked it, I could feel intense pressure in my head. This time I suppose I took a large hit because this pressure rose so much it felt like my head was going to explode any moment. It was like being on the verge of blacking out, all the time. The music that was playing was being distorted so much that I could barely recognize anything in it, and it sounded bad, but I couldn't get up and stop it.

Even if there was an iridescent kaleidoscope of every possible color imaginable right before my eyes, pulsating and breathing out living lapis lazuli chains of stacked dimensions, each one nested in the two on its sides, overlapping and exponentiating them into infinity and beyond, I wouldn't have been able to focus on it or pay any attention at all because I felt like I was going to be sick at any moment, or faint, or something like that. The body load was so intense that it made the whole experience feel like one continuous struggle for my life on a physical level, rather than on a mental one (ego, etc.)

It wasn't just once during the experience that I thought "nope, this is the last time I'm doing it...I don't like how it feels". There was no trace of the divine, sacred, or profound. There was only physical struggle with my body and that perpetual feeling that I'm going to lose consciousness at any moment. Breathing became difficult, which only added to my rising panic.

That's what it felt like - a very, very intense panic attack. I've never gotten an actual panic attack, but I suppose that's what it feels like.

So my experience so far leaves me with many questions, such as:
1 - Have I done something wrong during the extraction process? Maybe there is residual NPS or other contaminants in the changa, even though it's been drying in a jar with silica gel for many months now? Is there a way to determine how pure my changa is at this point, and if there are any contaminants?
2 - Is there a chance that the problem is I'm not fully breaking through, but only partially getting there, which is allowing my ego to cling to the remaining bits of reality so strong that it overdrives my brain and body, resulting in those highly unpleasant sensations?
3 - Is there a possibility that my body just doesn't react well to smoked harmalas?
4 - And finally - might all this be a sign that I should stay away from hyperspace (or at least the one you reach by smoking changa) for some reason?

At this point, I'm feeling very disheartened with changa and can imagine myself enjoying only small doses that slightly alter my perception, but keep that immense pressure at bay. This torments my curiosity, as I want to know what is it like to truly breakthrough and leave all notion of self and reality behind while you ascend through the unimaginable layers of upper dimensions with the speed of light, squared...

This is why I came here - because nowhere else on the internet will I find more experienced travelers than you, my friends. So I ask you for advice, opinions, and insight on the above.

Thank you all. Be well. :love:
You used a very high ratio of harmalas/DMT/plant -- perhaps that would be my first suggestion to help you dial in your perfect blend. Go lighter on your changa as-is, and add clean mullein or other leaf to lower the overall harmala proportion to the smoke.

Also consider adding mugwort and skullcap leaf-- it smooths out the experience dramatically--

I no longer smoke my rue extract at all, I take appx. 2mg/kg body weight orally 45 minutes to an hour or so ahead of smoking my enhanced leaf.

This was the key for me to unlock the absolute mind-opening/destroying glory everyone talked about. It's also far easier to dose properly as oce you have the harmalas in your system you only have to measure your DMT to set sail--

I've had experiences this way that can only be described as hypnotic meta-dreaming, taking me outside of time and to planes that I can only barely articulate-- the vibration of music became syncrhonized in bliss with my soul, completely erasing my body and mind. Pure, overwhelming beauty (that has also become it's mirror--terror--as all points of reference are dissolved into The Absolute.)

TL;DR: Play with your ratios-- you are unique, and so is the "right" ratio for you!
coAsTal said:
Go lighter on your changa as-is, and add clean mullein or other leaf to lower the overall harmala proportion to the smoke.
Hmm, but how does that differ from just smoking less changa overall? If I add another components in the mix and smoke it all it won't decrease the amount of harmalas I smoke. Am I misunderstanding something?

coAsTal said:
Also consider adding mugwort and skullcap leaf-- it smooths out the experience dramatically--
Should I add both, or experiment first with the one, then with the other?

Also can you confirm the latin names of those plants are Artemisia vulgaris and Scutellaria respectively?

Nydex said:
Hmm, but how does that differ from just smoking less changa overall? If I add another components in the mix and smoke it all it won't decrease the amount of harmalas I smoke. Am I misunderstanding something?

I apologise for not making my statement a little more clear.

You can indeed just use smaller amounts of what you have to see if that would moderate the effects that are distasteful to you-- I suggested buffering your bowl with some neutral leaf to allow a thinning out of the alks-- when I make mine too strong I'll sometimes dilute it with mullein or damiana to even it out.

Nydex said:
Should I add both, or experiment first with the one, then with the other?

Also can you confirm the latin names of those plants are Artemisia vulgaris and Scutellaria respectively?


Yep, that's right on the ID's.

They are both cheap and readily available from multiple places-- just spring for the organic versions if you have the option. Definitely include Damiana to try as well if you haven't already-- it's a favorite both for taste and background feel. The pursuit of symbiotic herbs is a very rewarding one. There are many good choices, as others have written-- you will enjoy finding yours!

You can experiment as you see fit with these herbs-- since they're new to you I would try each individually, and consider vaping them alone/combined without any spice or harmalas to get their unique feel-- it is there for you to enjoy, and these are true medicines in their own right. Though subtle, if you are attentive and at peace they are absolutely rewarding on their own!
Sometimes, after I have freshly-washed my GVG, I will vape just pure combos of these herbs we're discussing without adding any spice-- it is a great sort of pre-game that makes my subsequent spice trip far more interesting. And it tastes good :)

Again, this is my experience after many years of playing around with the perceptions I have recorded for my own "dialing in" of my leaf. You might find that you are better served with just Caapi leaf and passionflower, for example-- or peppermint leaf and clove... it's a lovely process to experiment!
Nydex said:
There was only physical struggle with my body and that perpetual feeling that I'm going to lose consciousness at any moment.

Arent you supposed to lose consciousness? In my experience the point of the harmalas is to make that process easier, to slip into emptyness easier, creating a space for the dmt to lead the way. For me its always been about losing my faculties for 15min. If on the rare ocassion I get Eye Candy and get to keep my faculties, fantastic ! If not its because Im holding on, a d that never brings amazing results.

Sounds like you had all bad trips though, which is different 😕

But yes, be careful Nydex, maybe its not for you for some reason. If you are afraid the changa has gone bad just dry it longer, its all you can do. Also maybe try with less harmalas. Make one small batch, 30mg DMT and 20mg rue extract on top of 50mg leaf. Thats one dose, 3 big tokes, maybe 5. Its a lot of actives in that smoke so in 20 secs you are gone, gone, gone... have something to drink or a cough drop cause your throat might hurt when you come back. Preassure on the head, particularly the pineal gland, is common ocurence. Weird bodiliy sensations as well. Just tread very carefuly.

Try in a joint if you can. You can toke on it without having to light it, and youll know when you are leaving your body...bong is too strong, I think you might have gone overboard perhaps.

In any case it took me a lot more tries than 3 to get it right I think.

Thanks for your reply Fran!

I suppose the point is losing consciousness, but the way it seems to be happening to me it's nowhere near pleasant. It feels dangerous and harmful. There isn't a trace of the bliss and awe people experience while approaching hyperspace. There's just sheer panic and distress. Very odd.

I don't have freebase DMT at the moment, but I can extract some maybe...I'm starting to think that this changa I made, with a high ratio of harmalas to spice, isn't the best thing for my body, especially when taken in a large bong toke...

Maybe you guys are right and I need to try only freebase, or just with a tiny bit of harmalas... Only time will tell, I guess. Even tho I'm flying away in under 2 months, so I don't have much time to experiment here.

I advise you to go for the easy way. As is often said, ’simplicity is key’.

Just take 1 gram plain caapi leaves, impregnate 1 gram free base DMT into it. Allow time to air dry, make sure it gets bone dry.

Fill the bowl, ignite the changa, take a hit, and you’re gone.

Good luck.
I have a lot of experience with Changa.. I recognize the symptoms you are describing which usually appears when you burn the Changa to much. Try to take longer and easier tokes. Use the lighter with care..Light a little.. Inhale a little.. Light a little.. and so on...

Also Changa can be uncomfortable if you simply smoke to little and you get stuck in a sort of inbetween state.. And the simple solution to this problem (I can hear Mckenna chering) is to simply load up more;) Blast through it!!

Also, when you are working with this medicine.. Put aside 2-3 hours.. Smoke.. come down.. Smoke again.. come down.. change music.. smoke some more.. try a higher dose.. try a lower dose.. when the nervousness is over and you can sit back relaxed without sweaty hands and just inhale and inhale with a big smile on your face with total ease... Thats usually when the magic begins.. and you have to say to yourself after some hours.. ok maybe I should stop now.. Thats a succesfull Changa work!;)

Good luck and hope you soon will be swimming in the magic sea of Changa...
I often here the term "integrated" being thrown around in attempting to , in an all too human fashion, describe in some way the changa experience. I feel like the term does allot to distinguish the effect of Maoi's on a DMT experience. --Thing is: some people are actually really sensitive to Harmala's; I've had friends where an effective dose was half my dosage, it is something that everyone must "feel out".

Harmala's add this dimension of an 'integrated', embodied trip, rather then the sense of bodily dissolution. If you are particularly sensitive, it could be that this element of the trip is far too pertinent and causes your body to intercede in the process of the DMT taking full effect. This can-- as it was for me-- result in shakes, overheating and sometimes even a kind of nauseous sensibility.

I don't meand to discredit Eaglepath's comment either. It might be some sort of combination of factors, but it seems to me like the most pragmatic course of action would be to take a precise dosage of harmala and check where you feel most comfortable. Once done, factor in the accumulation of Mao's that will occur over the span of a session and perhaps, once you feel there is enough MAOI's floating through your mortal coil then proceed to smoke enhanced leaf to prevent any over accumulation that might lead to nauseating results.

My two cents.
Thrasymachus said:
I often here the term "integrated" being thrown around in attempting to , in an all too human fashion, describe in some way the changa experience. I feel like the term does allot to distinguish the effect of Maoi's on a DMT experience. --Thing is: some people are actually really sensitive to Harmala's; I've had friends where an effective dose was half my dosage, it is something that everyone must "feel out".

Harmala's add this dimension of an 'integrated', embodied trip, rather then the sense of bodily dissolution. If you are particularly sensitive, it could be that this element of the trip is far too pertinent and causes your body to intercede in the process of the DMT taking full effect. This can-- as it was for me-- result in shakes, overheating and sometimes even a kind of nauseous sensibility.

I don't meand to discredit Eaglepath's comment either. It might be some sort of combination of factors, but it seems to me like the most pragmatic course of action would be to take a precise dosage of harmala and check where you feel most comfortable. Once done, factor in the accumulation of Mao's that will occur over the span of a session and perhaps, once you feel there is enough MAOI's floating through your mortal coil then proceed to smoke enhanced leaf to prevent any over accumulation that might lead to nauseating results.

My two cents.

Yeah, it makes more sense to me that I might be hypersensitive to harmalas...To be fair, I didn't really need to make changa. In fact, I would've preferred to go for freebase, but I was left with a bunch of goo and plant fats, and it was easier for me to make it into changa instead of struggling to handle this mess.

I'll share what I have left of it with friends while working on some freebase... Thank you all for the suggestions and input!

Love :love:
I don't think the heavy body load you're experiencing is indicative of impurities in the spice you extracted. I'm curious if you have tried the extract by itself prior to infusing it into the changa and noticed any similar detrimental effects? I love the synergistic effect that results from the combination of DMT and harmalas but have a couple friends who have become very nauseous after smoking changa, although it doesn't normally effect them detrimentally. Recently I made a blend excluding harmalas (50% spice,30% Nymphaea caerulea flower, 20% mullein) in preparation for a festival, intentionally leaving out any MAOI's that could possibly interact negatively with MDMA that I was sure myself and my friends would be indulging in.
Upon trying the changa blend without any kind of MAOI, I actually expereinced breakthroughs as powerful or even more powerful than those experienced with previous harmala blends! Really it seemed qualitatively to be more comparable to vaporizing the spice on it's own in both the rapidity of the onset and the intensity of the experience.
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