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Images in signatures

Migrated topic.


Rising Star

Recently quite a few members in here have added an image to their signature. I find this distracting from the text, especially the larger ones. We have an avatar for an image, so let's keep the signature as text. Or do you feel different? Please discuss.

I also think I have seen an avatar or two that is animated. That is an even worse attention seeker, and something I would really hope not to see.
I agree. I also find it distracting when people have signatures that are longer than their average post. Perhaps a character limit on sigs wouldn't be a bad idea either. Or perhaps the option to turn off sigs so those of us who are distracted by them don't have to see them?
Entropymancer said:
I agree. I also find it distracting when people have signatures that are longer than their average post. Perhaps a character limit on sigs wouldn't be a bad idea either. Or perhaps the option to turn off sigs so those of us who are distracted by them don't have to see them?

I think the issue at hand would be easily solved for all parties (Those who want images, those who want text, those who don't want signatures) if your idea was implemented.

The option under, "My Profile" -> "Edit Profile" to check or uncheck a box stating simply, "Show avatars/Signatures?"

I haven't done any form of coding since my early years in High School, thus I can not fairly state that this would be simple.
Steely said:
I think the issue at hand would be easily solved for all parties (Those who want images, those who want text, those who don't want signatures) if your idea was implemented.
Well, I would love to see all signatures except the ones with images. An option to turn off signatures would therefore not suit my need. Really, I do not see why an image should be placed in the signature. A signature is intended to show your name and position, in anonymous forums this can be extended to include a disclaimer or a quote. But an image? I don't see why...

Thanks for that, DimethylSpice!
Evening Glory said:
Steely said:
I think the issue at hand would be easily solved for all parties (Those who want images, those who want text, those who don't want signatures) if your idea was implemented.
Well, I would love to see all signatures except the ones with images. An option to turn off signatures would therefore not suit my need. Really, I do not see why an image should be placed in the signature. A signature is intended to show your name and position, in anonymous forums this can be extended to include a disclaimer or a quote. But an image? I don't see why...

Thanks for that, DimethylSpice!
So just because you dont understand it/like it means we shouldnt have it? Seems lame. I thought a sig was supposed to be a little comment/qoute not to show position on the website.
Big Inhale said:
So just because you dont understand it/like it means we shouldnt have it? Seems lame.
Well, all I wrote was my own take on this. Please note that I in the first post specifically asked for other peoples take on this issue, especially those who do not agree with me.
Big Inhale said:
I thought a sig was supposed to be a little comment/qoute not to show position on the website.
Yes, and that was exactly what I wrote. Please read the text you quoted me on again.
Obviously he can chime in whenever he feels appropriate, but Trav has already stated several times that he'd rather not have pics in the signature. I'm pretty sure he also restricted profile pics to non-moving images. If anyone needs links, I'm sure I can find the threads. Sorry, not trying to step on any toes or put words in anyone's mouth, just trying to help out.

Sig banners are almost always never interesting and make it unenjoyeable to read threads.

Though some pictures are okay...SOMEtimes...really small ones.

If you wanna post your art, post your art...in a thread dedicated to the art. Not in every thread as your signature.

Multiplying signature banners often become ego banners. :roll:

Non-distracting quotes & links?....Fine, good and all that jazz.

Animated avatar reels are horrible. I don't want to watch Homer Simpson get jacked on a burger while I'm trying to read some interesting dialouge. :evil:

.....but whoever has that cat repeatedly licking the air over and over, I like that one....hypnotizing.
I agree with you Evening Glory. Even large text sigs make the posts more difficult to read, I never use signatures.

Readability of the Nexus is much better than for example the Shroomery, good policy is at work here!
I think something little would be alright.. I personally like making avatars and sig banners, not like super huge ones, but something that shows my own creativity. I dont think they are distracting.

tryptographer said:
Even large text sigs make the posts more difficult to read
I agree that regular text signatures jumble up my reading, since they are plain white text, and ive seen people with signatures that take up a quarter of the page..

I do think that animated images are annoying, though I was a culprit of this until just recently, but not regular images, as long as they are banner size or a bit smaller. 100x350px is not big at all, and ample room to show creativity, as well as personality. Though both can be reflected in posts, its not as colorful :p

Dunno, just my thought.

So, what is The Traveler's take on this issue? Even though I am not that big a fan of too many rules, I believe it is necessary to establish a guideline on whether or not such images (and animated avatars) are allowed.
Evening Glory said:
So, what is The Traveler's take on this issue? Even though I am not that big a fan of too many rules, I believe it is necessary to establish a guideline on whether or not such images (and animated avatars) are allowed.

Animated avatars are already not allowed to upload by the software, if you still see one then it's before that software change.

As for the images in the signarues, please let them stay away, it's cluttering the page too much. When I finally find some time I will change the software that it will not show images in signatures.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
As a final solution I changed the forum software so that it will not process any IMG BBCode in the signature anymore. So from now on all images in signatures will simply not work.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
Dimitrius said:
.....but whoever has that cat repeatedly licking the air over and over, I like that one....hypnotizing.

yea that one is funny
they say girls really hate him
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