Rising Star
So I've always heard that when smoking DMT one had to huff it up quick, and if the effects didn't kick in than one would have to wait at least an hour or so before the next attempt as with salvia divinorum. The night before last my freind loaded about 110mg into a pipe on ash (after experimenting with oil pipes and light bulbs this is his prefered method),and took a a couple hits, there was a stillness in the room with a slight vibration permiating, the calm before the storm fore sure, the humming got louder the carpet, the pipe, and his hands, became beaded, tracers became thick, and heavy cutting the air when he moved, at this point everything really semed as tho it was going to explode, he took another hit and with that he knew he was in for it. Before it really kicked in he felt a little physaclly uneasy and reached for some water he had on hand, when he looked at the glass he hardly new what he was looking at, even tho he knew he wanted a drink, upon looking at the glass he was confused, but took a little baby sip and somthing told him to just lay down, by the time his head hit the pillow it was on, KABOOM... Interesting how some times the experience waits for you to smoke a bunch before kicking in, and on other occasions it happens more immidiatley. I wont attempt to interpratate what went on but it was humbling, to say the least but in a good way, yet for how intense the introspection was the experience was quite gentle with him. Last night 70mg was huffed in a dark room where the only light was the reflection on a mirror comming from a light outside about a 1/4 mile away. This light turned to a jellyfish type thing that when it moved(the way jelly fish move) a wave of DMT patterns would radiate from iteventually filling the room with blue and purple fractals and waves the jelly fish swam closer and closer toward his face he began to wonder if it could/would bite him. There was an OM type humming that got louder and louder, as the patterns filled the room so did the OM. After the effects of this last voyage simmered down to minimal visuals (20-30min) he had a cigarette and wondered what would happen if he smoked more, so he loaded another 100mg and smoked it over a few minutes. It took him a minute to realise that he was infact tripping, infact pretty hard. But it wasn't like the "Flash" that we usually associate with DMT, more like shrooms or somthing, but a pretty good shroom trip, very visual. This experience faded to minimal, and he loaded probably between 2-300mg. Not weighing at this point, he looked at it and though "that's alot" but than told himself, that this was no accident. So he assumed the position and huffed,, uh, how should I put it, (!!!)HOLY-SHIT(!!!), it was totally on, incredible, nothing he's ever seen was so fuckin beatiful, I'll leave it at that. Total time tripping? 3.5hours on smoked DMT without returning to base line. Now there were periods where the trip mellowed out (only a little)and he took cigarette breaks but he would smoke about half a cig' than take another hit of DMT and would immidiatly be tripping again. Occasionally taking another hit. Initially the smoke is harsh and leaves him short of breath but after the flash he could take deeper hits and breathing seemed to be better. Very different than a flash, but trademark DMT visuals, he wondered if it was like AYA but resigned to the idea that the MAOI would alter the experience signifacantlly making the AYA trip unique from pure DMT. With the DMT flash it's more debilitating, the swirling patterns come right to your face, your eyes get heavy so you shut them than somthing forces you to open them, and blammo theres this thing doing shit to you, you are definitly being acted on and you find yourself drooling. With the repeated smoking all that is there but its not so "on you" its kind of everywhere and you remain more youself through the experience. So there does sort of seem to be an immidiate tolerance, in that you wont have an earth shaking, MIND FUCKING flash, but you'll trip your brains out just the same. Also, likening the expereience to heavy dose of shrooms or LSD, but of course totally unique from those, my freind said unlike the former two, it felt so clean and natural, as tho he hadn't ingested anything, astho it was an endogenus phenomenon. After 3 hours, he reckoned he could smoke more but opted to lay down, the experience is over he told himself. Going to bed he was staggering feeling a bit rubbery and worn out, but still tripping a bit. Sleep didn't come for a while, woke up before sunrise with a headache, took excedrine and returned to sleep, woke up at 7am feeling fine, he immidiatley began to work on some tasks he's been putting off, transplanting and what not. Consesus? DMT's pretty fuckin' rad...