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Improvements to the search feature

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Obviously the search button is a very important tool for researching and preventing redundant threads. Our search engine is very limited. How easy would it be to allow you to search a key word in Subject only? For instance, I want to see a thread on specifically datura. Currently I search "Datura" and every thread that has that word pops up which pollutes my results. If I could choose the option of "Subject Only" then I wouldn't need to wade through 100's of pages of people mentioning datura.

What do you think Nexus, Trav?
Sounds like that would make things a lot easier. If one is looking for a specific post, usually one remembers a few words from the title... with the way things are now, you have to put in the right combination of words that were actually IN the posts there and have a little luck AND a little perserverance.
BananaForeskin said:
Sounds like that would make things a lot easier. If one is looking for a specific post, usually one remembers a few words from the title... with the way things are now, you have to put in the right combination of words that were actually IN the posts there and have a little luck AND a little perserverance.
If one is looking for a a post and knows some of the title then Google is your best friend, seriously. I've been pulling up Nexus threads on all my friends computers since joining. Google "Nexus [words you remember here]" and you'll get what you're looking for every time, I know I have.
dreamer042 said:
I find that using google's feature of searching within a site seems to be quite a bit more effective than the built in search feature.


"site: dmt-nexus.me datura" typed into google (minus the quotes)

Yeah, I agree! Google's advanced search feature is both faster and much, much better. What about integrating a customized version of Google into the boards, The Traveler?
Agreed about Google. Recently I've performed many searches on Google only to find that the Nexus was the first site to come up. This has happened for subjects not specifically Spice-related but that obviously have sparked interest and discussion amongst other Nexians. Three cheers for the Nexus...
ThirdEyeVision said:
does google let you search Subjects only?

In my experience using the feature it will go through and list all the of the threads with your chosen search phrase in the topic first then it will list the ones that have that word in the subtext
ThirdEyeVision said:
does google let you search Subjects only?

Write: site: dmt-nexus.me intitle: datura
Remove the space before dmt-nexus and datura, only inserted it because it creates smiles :d

Intitle will search for words that only exists in the subject line.
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