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"In Between"

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Psychiatrist Rick Strassman, author of the ground breaking book DMT: The Spirit Molecule(2001) asserts that DMT is produced and stored in the human brain and is an active agent in a variety of altered states,
including mystical experiences. This chemical messenger profoundly links body and spirit, pineal activation in the brain, and may awaken normally latent synthetic pathways.
A few rare and select meditation techniques have been observed being practiced by indigenous cultures that naturally release DMT through the pineal gland.

then is you type in your email on the right, it takes you to a page called

"Experience DMT mind release"

there is a video toward the bottom

any thoughts on this?
lol yes i agree

im not trying to endorse this

just strange.

id like to know who is talking in the 40 minute video on the second page.
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