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[in praise of Changa] Electric Sheep - I can't recommend it enough!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have had an interesting time over the last 6 months with Freebase Spice. It has been up and down, I have been probed, mind raped, subjected to a black death, whizzed about at the speed of thought and shown the impossible.

I had a lot of work to do, or should I say that DMT had a lot of work to do with me. It is a symbiotic relationship. It has been programming me, mapping me, building an API or CI (Consciousness Interface) and it left me feeling satiated and apprehensive.

I decided to make two types of Changa for a friend's visit. I made Ayahuasca Android and Electric Sheep. Both at 1:1 with spice.

The Ayahuasca Android is interesting, deep and can still be a little dark. I found it interesting how the introduction of a herb could change the personality of the DMT. We each had one Android trip. I got pulled back from mine because my guest never quite understood that he should wait for me to return.

Whilst going in I heard the bong going and I thought I saw him smoking what was in the bowl. At this point it all became recursive, I became my friend and somehow pulled myself back to be with him. It turns out that he had smoked the bong, but there was nothing in it. I then loaded a bowl of Android and let him at it (equivalent of 30-40mg spice). He had a breakthrough, first time. He is highly receptive. He was conversing with it, I could hear that. He was being taken along sandy beaches with columns growing out of them and women grinding him. It was a very sexual journey for him. He connected straight away.

Then we tried Electric Sheep...

I had heard people speak of love with DMT, that it was such a loving experience. I could not understand this. For me it has only ever been cold, serpentine and completely without emotion. It was clinical beyond clinical. It left me feeling that love was purely a human construct, a simple rudimentary construct of our dimension.

I smoked a big dose of Electric Sheep and it hit me at once, BANG. The bong is the way forward, it's all there in one hit.

I was thrust into an electric blue environment, all my usual DMT spirits were there, the serpent mantoid lady, the jester master of ceremonies and general trickery. But there was something different, I loved it and it loved me. Never have I felt such ecstasy, not even on ecstasy.

I was groaning and writhing in pleasure, I had my familiar breakthrough space, but only with the added extra of love, LOVE. I was laughing, beaming from ear to ear. The trip also lasts about 3 times longer, 10-15 minutes.

My friend told me that whatever that blend is (Electric Sheep) it's made for me. He said I must have been somewhere good, I was clearly loving it.

When he went in I though he was going explode, he was loving it so much I thought he was going to wake the neighbours. I also thought he was having an orgasm. He came back, in love. She was in love with him and he with her. In our discussions in between journeys mt friend said to me:

'I just made love with an alien intelligence. I knew it existed, I have been searching for this confirmation all my life. I have been loved, like a baby, I have never felt such contentment...'

I told him to listen to the words coming out of his own mouth.

We spent the rest of the weekend, each having about 10 journey's that just got better and better, deeper and more meaningful. It was amazing, so much work was done.

I also gave him a few Spice trips so that he could feel the differences and he reported the same feeling about spice. On spice he was told not to participate, not to ask questions. The spice told him to shut up, that it did not need his active participation. It told him that it was busy, busy mapping him, busy learning how to plug him in.

Electric Sheep is the most amazing blend of leaf. Nothing has transformed me as much as this, it's amazing.

If anyone out there has had a few scary spice trips and is looking for a loving, enormously profound and unspeakably amazing journey...


So, for the first time as a member of the Nexus...

Peace AND Love brothers and sisters.
ghostman said:
I told him to listen to the words coming out of his own mouth.

haha, nice report man. I'm going to look up what the Electric Sheep blend actually is, and get cracking...
Sounds amazing :D This blend was one of my alternatives to make when I make my first changa. Now this sounds like a perfect blend for a first-timer.
Just to confirm the recipie for the Electric Sheep is: Electric Sheep: 50% Blue Lotus - 50% Calea

Normally when making changa I make "The Mekong" which is similar to Electric Sheep except using Passionflower instead of Calea. Might try to use the Calea in my next batch. :d :d

Great report. Pleasure to read.
Sounds amazing :D This blend was one of my alternatives to make when I make my first changa. Now this sounds like a perfect blend for a first-timer.

This is definitely suitable for a first timer. My fellow traveler although new to DMT, was not new to psychs. He had his fair share of acid, e's and shrooms in the 90's.

Electric Sheep rocks, big time. It's a huge trip, but it has a blue electric lightning bolt of love.
I tried my first enhanced leaf the day before yesterday. it was a 1/1 with mullein leaf. first try was 2 hits a break through. Now ihave have hit the oilers and everything else but havnt gone that far. I havnt yet tried the Changa but I am a huge fan of the enhanced leaf.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good supplier of quality blue waterlily flowers with fair prices?....based in U.S.

I know of a few places, but would love some suggestions.
Dimitrius said:
Does anyone have any recommendations for a good supplier of quality blue waterlily flowers with fair prices?....based in U.S.

I know of a few places, but would love some suggestions.
I get my blue lotus (waterlily) from Loveleaf Garden. Have always been happy with them.

ghostman - you have persuaded me to try as well! Great report!
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