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In Praise of Changa - Pau d'Arco and Caapi extract

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
1:1 Pau d'Arco/Spice
1/3 10:1 Caapi extract

Dose: 120mg
Method: Bong

I had a great journey on Electric Sheep a couple of days ago and I was feeling good today. My new Changa mix had dried and was ready to be tested. As mentioned, I added 300mg 10:1 Caapi extract to a 1g Pau d'Arco/1g Spice blend.

I prepared my setting. I smudged my space with white sage and repeated my Mantra - Peace, Love and Gratitude. Occasionally I'll throw in Understanding, Joy and Knowledge. I did my stretching exercises and deep breathing. I prepared my altar:

My good friend 88 taught me to bring her flowers. I can't recommend this enough. She/They give us so much for the surrender and gratitude that we offer. They love it when we bring them gifts too, when we reciprocate with beauty that fortifies our gratitude. When we bring offerings that we ourselves find beautiful, she will multiply the beauty of those offerings and the sincerity of the gratitude to infinity.

I managed to finish the 120mg in one long, slow hit. I passed through my regular DMT space of Geometry and jimjam. This opened up into a jungle garden room of extraordinary clarity. I can remember the astonishment of what I was seeing, my eyes closed but they had never been so open. All things in effect and impossible. It felt as though I could step into and out of these chambers of existence, stepping into different dimensions as if stepping over the threshold, through a universal television screen.

This did not last long though as I was catapulted into an enormous domed space, dark gold in colour and metallic. It was immaculate and sheen. Engineered to the nth degree, but clean, simple and simply perfect.

All things were possible, in fact all things were, and infinitely so.

For the first time ever I was not ushered about as I usually am in Hyperspace. Usually I am accompanied by my Jester and a Serpentine lady. This time I was alone, but I was enveloped by it. It was everywhere, it was omnipotent. It's presence permeated everything.

As I navigated this space, I was shown a bed, a pod that hovered high in the space, elevated and floating. I knew it was mine and I was welcomed home. I was shown my space, my place of comfort and I was loved. There was a massive outpouring of love. Everything in its entirety exploded, imploded, seeped and soaked love in the most luxurious way.

I remained there for what seemed an eternity. The warmth, the love, the hue, the softness and tenderness of it all had me swept away in utter bliss.

I emerged from this crying out of joy and gratitude, laughing, really laughing and proclaiming my love for everything. I looked at the pink flowers before me and they were alive, I saw their very being and I spoke with them. I loved them so much and they all loved me.

I spent the better part of 15 minutes thanking everything and offering my gratitude and joy, the reward of love that I received.

The after glow was amazing, pink and lush, luxurious and exuberant beyond words. Not once was there even a hint of darkness, never have I experienced such constant light and love.

I cannot recommend Pau d'Arco enough and although I don't know what it would be like without the Caapi extract, I would encourage you to somehow infuse Caapi into the mix.

I love the light, I love the love, I love the utter unconditional yet eternally rewarding surrender. I am borne on light and love.

Peace and Love brothers and sisters.


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Wonderful, nice read bru.

These days im using caapi leaf and pau. It does wonders. The pau is trully another strong herb to use.
gammagore said:
Wonderful, nice read bru.

These days im using caapi leaf and pau. It does wonders. The pau is trully another strong herb to use.

I can see a place for Blue Lotus in the mix too. Just to add some blue zing.

This was just amazing. Pieces are still coming back to me. My pleasure and amazement centre has ruptured its spleen.
I foresee lotus/pau enhanced leaf coming my way soon:) With some caapi leaf vaped first:)

so the extract worked.
ghostman said:
I added 300mg 10:1 Caapi extract to a 1g Pau d'Arco/1g Spice blend.

I was looking at doing this, still not got round to it though. What was the extract you put in? I get really confused with these. Do you mean something like this or do you mean you extracted the harmine / harmaline?

I got a 10 X Syrian rue extract, but am still undecided if I can use this "as is" in a changa blend and get any effects. I'll dig out the previous posts I made about it if needs be...

sounds like a great experience & a good report!
1664 said:
ghostman said:
I added 300mg 10:1 Caapi extract to a 1g Pau d'Arco/1g Spice blend.

I was looking at doing this, still not got round to it though. What was the extract you put in? I get really confused with these. Do you mean something like this or do you mean you extracted the harmine / harmaline?

I got a 10 X Syrian rue extract, but am still undecided if I can use this "as is" in a changa blend and get any effects. I'll dig out the previous posts I made about it if needs be...

sounds like a great experience & a good report!

Thank you brother Gammagore.

1664, yes. I bought two extracts form Maya, which you can see in Gamma's post which he linked to.

I used the 10:1 White vine extract and used 300mg to 1g spice

I cannot recommend this enough. The ratio must be right because what happened to me right now can't possibly get any better :)
cool, thanks to both of you.

I started a similar thread here and before that this one which I will add for anyone else reading this. The second thread is a bit confusing, but I'll include it for anyone who is interested. smokeydaze, as my guru of changa 😉 said do the extraction to harmine before adding, but I think I will try it as is and see how I get on first of all. Good to know ghostman was up for being guinea pig 😉

I am (reasonably) used to the darco. I am normally in hyperspace for about 4-6 mins. Did your blend increase the duration noticeably ghost?
1664 said:
cool, thanks to both of you.

I started a similar thread here and before that this one which I will add for anyone else reading this. The second thread is a bit confusing, but I'll include it for anyone who is interested. smokeydaze, as my guru of changa 😉 said do the extraction to harmine before adding, but I think I will try it as is and see how I get on first of all. Good to know ghostman was up for being guinea pig 😉

I am (reasonably) used to the darco. I am normally in hyperspace for about 4-6 mins. Did your blend increase the duration noticeably ghost?

I was in for peak time 10-15, heavy after glow 45 minutes.

My Caapi extract is a fine crunchy powder which was not soluble in acetone. I mixed it straight in with the Pau and Spice. The Caapi got mixed in because it's all so nice and sticky, but dry sticky almost brittle.

Next time I'll dissolve the Caapi extract in a little water first, with the Pau. Then I'll do the Spice Acetone soak. Mind you, it seems to work just as it is. I'd say go right ahead and sprinkle it on your Pau/Spice mix.

You might get even better effects by vaping that blend in your GVG:), or atleast a small bowl first in the GVG and then the changa bong.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. The peace and love you've found is no less than you deserve, my brother. It seems there is no end to this magical place, this hyperspace, and the depth of healing in it's infinite, ancient pools of wonder.

much love.
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