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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi, my name is XXXXX. im 19 years old and have been experimenting with psychoactive substances for the past year. My understanding of psychadelic drugs is small, although i do have basic knowledge of my own mind and what i wish to achieve. I first became intersted in the spice aproximately 2 months ago, Ive read alot about peoples exeriences, the history of dmt, how its made and I am currently reading the book "DMT: The Spirit Molecule".

From the spice i hope to achieve a different perspective on things, life in general and the way i percieve my own opinions on world views and the meaning of life, or a purpose for my existence, to justify myself and continue with life. most of all though i want to continue with less substance dependence (daily smoker of legal highs). just a better outlook generally.

Now for me as a person i supose i am someone who learns from the views of others. I try to educate those around me but im a passive kind of guy, although im highly opinionated. I try to help people in need of information or people who lack personal opinion. I am a thought police, i am annoyed by other ways of thinking. this may be a negative trait. Ive always been one to have arguments, trying to extinguish the voices of people who are not beneficial to society on a small scale. in general though i think that im a fairly easy going guy, i like to help people but im an asshole at the end of the day. so i hope this helps.

Love you all 😉
Hey Czepa, you may be interested in "Sacred Vine of Spirits: Ayahuasca" by Ralph Metzner. There's a lot of great info on ayahusca and DMT, and specifically Metzner argues that perhaps the greatest utility of Ayahuasca is it's amazing ability to help people rid themselves of substance dependece, especially when taken in a community context, as in one of the many Ayahuasca based churches.
TruePsychonaut said:
Hey Czepa...

Welcome.Sure you'll find alot of help here.

At some point we are all assholes...then we discover the spice :!:

Yeah....DMT is a great friend of mine but I just don't see it being capable of curing mild to severe Assaholism. Boy wouldn't that be sweet if it did though.

TO the OP: It's funny you say you hope to gain perspective to (paraphrasing) continue with life and find some deeper meaning to it. For me the one breakthrough experience I had more made me think what the hell is the point this world if the other is so much more real and fascinating. Why stay here one second longer with the trappings of heat and cold and pain and hunger and a god damn nervous system so we can feel it all. Relentlessly.
The lower doses for me have always been so very reassuring and life affirming. I suppose the higher dose (specifically the IV breakthrough) is something that deserves more time and attention on my part.
Anyhow this just made me think more of my own experience which, of course, has no bearing on what you may learn and come to understand.

Have a safe trip.
Hey Czepa, you may be interested in "Sacred Vine of Spirits: Ayahuasca" by Ralph Metzner. There's a lot of great info on ayahusca and DMT, and specifically Metzner argues that perhaps the greatest utility of Ayahuasca is it's amazing ability to help people rid themselves of substance dependece, especially when taken in a community context, as in one of the many Ayahuasca based churches.

I think I'm gonna look that up too. I've found little benefit when it comes to substance abuse with just the pure DMT but Ayahuasca is something I'm interested in reading more about. Of course I had already been clean for some time when I started to use it.

Sorry I meant to attach this to my other post not make a new one.
Opiyum said:
TruePsychonaut said:
Hey Czepa...

Welcome.Sure you'll find alot of help here.

At some point we are all assholes...then we discover the spice :!:

Yeah....DMT is a great friend of mine but I just don't see it being capable of curing mild to severe Assaholism. Boy wouldn't that be sweet if it did though.

TO the OP: It's funny you say you hope to gain perspective to (paraphrasing) continue with life and find some deeper meaning to it. For me the one breakthrough experience I had more made me think what the hell is the point this world if the other is so much more real and fascinating. Why stay here one second longer with the trappings of heat and cold and pain and hunger and a god damn nervous system so we can feel it all. Relentlessly.
The lower doses for me have always been so very reassuring and life affirming. I suppose the higher dose (specifically the IV breakthrough) is something that deserves more time and attention on my part.
Anyhow this just made me think more of my own experience which, of course, has no bearing on what you may learn and come to understand.

Have a safe trip.

Sorry,i didn't mean spice would cure assholism,just that the experience might help :lol:
Opiyum said:
TO the OP: It's funny you say you hope to gain perspective to (paraphrasing) continue with life and find some deeper meaning to it. For me the one breakthrough experience I had more made me think what the hell is the point this world if the other is so much more real and fascinating. Why stay here one second longer with the trappings of heat and cold and pain and hunger and a god damn nervous system so we can feel it all. Relentlessly.
Well, I already have a bad view on life. i suppose ANY change would be positive my life sucks so much right now and im stuck in a mind circle of things that need to change. and just recently i have come to the understanding that part of it is me. its sort of hard to admit that you have problems or need to change the way you deal with things but i suppose thats why i turned to unhealthy drugs in the first place.
Czepa said:
Opiyum said:
its sort of hard to admit that you have problems or need to change the way you deal with things but i suppose thats why i turned to unhealthy drugs in the first place.

God tell me about it man. For the most part people normally don't change the way they deal with people places, things and the world around them. I have been assaulted everyday for the last two months while in substance abuse treatment with everything I need to change. It's clear I need to change my attitude and my thinking but god damn is it difficult to be so brutally honest with ones self.
I hope things turn around for you my man. From the posts I've read of yours it seems that you have a good head on your shoulders and you seem like a good person. I hope DMT does help you change your perspective.
We are so damn good at beating ourselves up.
Ive actually been really good to myself lately, gotten back into the gym, havent taken drugs all this week, I think ive changed. but its just so hard to deal with people that have been conditioned to you.
Like I dont think my attitude has changed but my actions and thoughts have. im just having such a rough time at the moment with work/home bullshit, life is just so frustrating.
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