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infusing my fingers...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Two days in a row, after SWIM spilling some IPA green with infusing Caapi leaf changa, on herself, she started to feel a little... funny.

Placebo, or can the MAOI's or spice, or both, be active in small amounts through skin absorption?
Not sure weather it's placebo or weather such small amounts could be felt.
Either way, powerfull stuff it is.
Thanks gammagore! I reminded her of the feeling 10-15 minutes after she takes LSD, where it could be great stuff or could be bunk, but things do seem just a bit brighter and feel more tingly.
SWIM has not noticed anything like that... SWIM thinks that some times just being around it can cause those "special" feelings...
I've felt contact buzzes like you describe, the stuff definitely has a powerful energy to it. There's no way you could absorb enough through your fingertips...by the time it made it to the serotonin receptors, past the blood-brain barrier and the MAO in our bloodstream, it would be neutralized. As far as I know no current scientific models of DMT activity can account for this widely noted phenomenon. I've also felt it with other psychedelics.
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