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Does this ever happen to anyone else?

The pressure is hard to describe. Uncomfortable, disconcerting...today was the first time it happened during a full on breakthrough (at the onset).

It happened when I first extracted my own material...I worried over possible contamination. But my spice really shows no reason for anything ill to be in it. MHRB, white vinegar, pickling lime, pure limonene (grumbachers grumtine) salted with FASW, dried, based with washing soda, dissolved in everclear, filtered, dried, vaped in a VG and OW! my head hurts after inhaling.


My g/f suggested maybe I just hold my breath too long.

47 mg's full spectrum spice, melted upon copper mesh (cleaned by heating with a torch lighter) and loaded into a VG.

I inhale slow. It stops hitting--I'm new to the VG, so I wonder, did I clear it all that fast and easy, or is there still more that I just didn't get? Try for a second hit? Nah, I just hold it. And hold it--then the throbbing in my head, left side, above my temple. I had my eyes closed, but somthing seemed to insist that I open them--I sense something tumbling and flipping it's way into my world, something breaking through to me.  My living room is transformed utterly. It (the tumbling presence) seems to enter me....blackout for a bit.

Coming back from the blackout, the room is still crazy. The pressure is still there, but no pain. I'm floored, facedown in It's Pressence. My sphinter threatened to loose it's contents. My cats come to me--they look very different! They are crazy scared. One of them meows at me loudly. I'm in this weird state that I can't really describe and it seems to last forever. This sate...the most similar feeling that I've ever had was after someone ressusitated me after being down for awhile, without breathing and no pulse (that my terrified friend could find. personal experience, I can say no more, just that years ago I had an NDE, after my breath came back I felt much like this dmt trip).

Does that confirm my g/f's held my breath too long theory?

Or is this anecdotal evidence for the dmt/NDE angle that some people like to get into?

Or...the pressure. I had the pressure a few times this past fall/winter. This thing that came tumbling into my reality--the Aeon? It feels like the pressure before just it trying to get to me. This time it finally did. I may be a bit different than I was. The cats are no longer scared of me though.

I think about sleep paralysis/OBE's that I used to have years ago, and how the buzzing in my head from back then was much like the carrier wave which I've only gotten a few times from dmt and I think of how this most recent blast off was so like the time that I returned from death (or from near to it). I think of how dying, I felt this warmth pass through me....I think of how when I had an OBE ages ago, I felt this strange warmth pass through me, and how it's much the same when I take a bit puff of spice....all of a sudden OBE, death, sleep paralysis and the endogenous dmt theories begin to feel much more plausible to me.

Well this is a long enough report and maybe I'll just keep some parts personal. Coming back more fully, I was cold. Amused, surprised, a little bit scared, just all around shaken. I wrote a much more mystical sounding report in my journal, in a very shaky script. 

I casn't call the experience negative nor positive, just INTENSE, that's all.

Any Thoughts on the pressure?

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