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Intense subbreakthrough experience

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
My friend emailed me this today..
;So we'd decided to start our chilled night in toking with some DMT as it always puts us in a great mood for the night and gives us something to talk about, aswell as helping us heal problems in our lives.

So Bash went first and looked to be having a great time with a smile on his face and moving his arms in circles.
This made me want to launch so instead of waiting for him to finish I waited a few minutes until I thought hed be past the peak and went myself. The usual take-off effects began, faster heart rate and a sort of fuzzyness in the head and anxiety surfaced.
This time there was no euphoria or warmth upon takeoff just an anxious feeling, I closed my eyes and the CEV started, behind my eyelids i tumbled at an incredible speed through walls and walls of incredibly detailed and coloured shapes and symbols, I heard the usual high pitch ring but also alot of digital white noise that didnt take on any comprehensible pattern. It was like the dial-up modem when its connecting but kinder on the ears and more defined and varied sounds and pitch. I opened my eyes and was confonted by a shimmering room that I knew as my living room, I knew I hadnt brokethrough as the previous time the hyperspace was there with eyes open also.
I closed my eyes again and carried on through the many walls of colour symbols and immense detail, this is when it went a bit pear shaped, my mate Basher hadnt realised Id launched and started telling me hes feeling uncomfortable and hot and he cant relax, this made me anxious and disturbed somewhat. I informed him I was in fact part in hyperspace myself!! Interestingly when I closed my eyes after this the visuals where dark and barely there! But when I told myself to relax again and not worry the colour came back!! Extraordinary! Bash continued to twitch about and was clearly restless (turned out he just needed to take his sweatshirt off as he was hot !!! FFS :roll: ) I continued through the trip fairly anxious but in control and after a few minutes came down.
My mate bash came in and i just said to him still a little pickled, 'Everythings going to be OK! Everythings going to be Ok!!' Not the greatest trip Ive had thats for sure! Was very intense and the felt like information overload during the peak.

Lacked the usual euphoria too. I used less this time, is it because of this I still felt the pre-trip anxiety during it, with being only half in hyperspace? I also have to take beta-blocker for trembles and the DMT seemed to 'feel' the adrenalin block it was causing and this caused discomfort and conflict however my usual larger dose gets past this.
Oh by the way the afterglow for the entire evening and even today was realy uplifting and cleansing as always! :D " I told him to get some courage up to vape the dmt without a betablocker in the system (something hes quite scared of doing) and to make sure his mate Basher knows hes tripping on overlap next time!
He said he agreed and that hes not going to smoke any for a while as he felt he went into it a bit half-hearted this time and that was what maybe caused some of the problems.
[quote:d83c6c103a]I also have to take bet-blocker for trembles[/quote:d83c6c103a] [quote:d83c6c103a]a betablocker in the system [/quote:d83c6c103a] what do you mean by this? WS
warrensaged said:
[quote:70e2a6a109]I also have to take beta-blocker for trembles[/quote:70e2a6a109] He takes betablockers (propanolol)for mild-anxiety symptoms such as trembling and restlessness [quote:70e2a6a109]a betablocker in the system [/quote:70e2a6a109] Within 8 hours of having taken the propanol.
What he said about the colors reapearing happened to my mate, he was getting anxious and it was going dark getting quite negative/scary, it was coming on strong, but once he thought why worry, just let go and stop your anxiety it went all bright and positive and he had a great experience.
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