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Intention is everything.

Migrated topic.
Hello…hello.hello….hello.hello…..hello………hello..hello……hello…..hello…and so on…..

I’ve never posted anything online before, but recently I decided that more communication is needed with the general public to dispel the myths of the evils of entheogenic “drugs” in particular. Just as with the struggle to legalize marijuana, we first need to lift the taboos and stigma that surround them. This will come with rational truthful dialogue, responsible use, and responsible distribution. Legislation will be an afterthought if we change the minds of the people. Then will come funding for greater research and awareness, which will lead to acceptance and perhaps eventually to a new “norm”. Just imagine where we’d go from there! The internet is a great tool as it allows us to express ourselves beyond the bounds of censorship to an enormous amount of the population... but remember, as with any tool we must use it responsibly. After reading through the site over the past few months, I recognize the Nexus community to be an appropriate forum to post my little piece. The Coalition for Entheogenic Liberty of course, holds particular interest to me and I look forward to joining in this dialogue.

I believe hallucinogens to be great teachers. It’s an absurd term for them really, for I don’t believe any entheogen to produce hallucinations, so much as tune our wonderful instrument into what’s “out there”. They open up our perception to the infinite possibilities that surround us, of course each with their own distinct identity and personality. They allow us to make greater use of the senses we’ve been given, and perhaps introduce us to senses we weren’t even aware we had. They have been an integral part of my learning and growth as a human being for the last 15 years, and now it’s time to share some of what I’ve learned on my journey.

I strongly believe that all natural hallucinogenic compounds are a blessing to humanity and a necessary part of our evolution as a species. Why else would they permeate our natural world as they do? Entheogens are as much a part of our evolutionary history as they are a part of what’s to come. That is of course, if you believe a past and a future at all to exist. Lol! How are we to think outside the box, until we ourselves step outside the box? How are we to create a new and brighter future for humanity, until humanity can conceive of a new and brighter future? Finally, how can we create new paradigms for ourselves and the world, until we let go of the ones we already are so desperately holding on to? The ego, the philosophy of the individual self as distinct from the outside world and other “selves”, is transforming. Research in quantum physics and other areas of new science only go on to wow us with how this can be so. So where do we go from here? To become something new we must let go of what we currently believe we are. To form new reality, we must completely let go of our current reality….. enjoy the ride!

Oh, oh…….. signal’s breaking up now………more to come.......safe and pleasant travels………! 3… 2.. 1… launch……..! …. Now you seeeeeeeeee ……!

Big Inhale said:
Your name is rediculous!

Thankyou Big Inhale,

You're absolutley right. Names are ri·dic·u·lous. Ridiculous of course meaning; that causing or worthy of ridicule or derision; absurd; preposterous; or laughable. I think your comment only emphasizes my point about the transition of the self. A DMT experience is good practice for that journey we all face, when our "selves,"
that is all that is, for example Big Inhale or whatever name we've chosen in this 3D carnation, will cease to be. To truly "go" off into the cosmos, we must leave our "selves" behind. The easier this becomes for us, through practice, the further we may go. The I, the self, a name, are all completely ridiculous and absurd. It will be interesting to see when humanity finally makes that jump from the I to the WE.

Thanks for your comments!
One more comment on the subject of self, while the gears are still turning.

I've often sat, pipe in hand, ready for my next spice travel, and experienced some level of anxiety, or even fear. I've even backed out for the night, or sat around so long I've just given up or fallen asleep. Even the most experienced spice travellers will have gone through this a time or two. This forced me to examine why? Spice travel is intense, but wonderful. There is no threat of death, there is no threat of getting lost out there, never to return to this body, or this ego. So what is the rationalle for any amount of anxiety or fear? Well, I believe it's derived in the ego. It comes from me facing the fact that for the next 10 minutes or so, the "I" from my perspective will cease to exist. And more often than not, when I return my perspective of my current reality will have changed. It's in our nature to protect the "I", protect the ego, and protect our current grasp on "reality." Our natural fight or flight response of course will manifest itself as fear or anxiety.... we either back out, or we say "fuck it" and hit that pipe as hard as we can.

To travel to the unknown, we must COMPLETELY give up the known.

Incorporate this practice in your travels and in your everyday life, and see where it takes you.

Thanks again.
3.141592653589793238462643383279 said:
One more comment on the subject of self, while the gears are still turning.

I've often sat, pipe in hand, ready for my next spice travel, and experienced some level of anxiety, or even fear. I've even backed out for the night, or sat around so long I've just given up or fallen asleep. Even the most experienced spice travellers will have gone through this a time or two. This forced me to examine why? Spice travel is intense, but wonderful. There is no threat of death, there is no threat of getting lost out there, never to return to this body, or this ego. So what is the rationalle for any amount of anxiety or fear? Well, I believe it's derived in the ego. It comes from me facing the fact that for the next 10 minutes or so, the "I" from my perspective will cease to exist. And more often than not, when I return my perspective of my current reality will have changed. It's in our nature to protect the "I", protect the ego, and protect our current grasp on "reality." Our natural fight or flight response of course will manifest itself as fear or anxiety.... we either back out, or we say "fuck it" and hit that pipe as hard as we can.

To travel to the unknown, we must COMPLETELY give up the known.

Incorporate this practice in your travels and in your everyday life, and see where it takes you.

Thanks again.
Ihave done this many times. Time to leave the fear behind. Welcome to the nexus friend.
Yes, welcome 3.1415927...! Say hello to your friends e and Phi.

What did i say to pi>?
"be rational!"
to which pi replied," get real"
Haha, I took a while to get the pun: i is an imaginary number :)
Indeed the ego, that 'hard pit of I /Me' is imaginary.

It can be compared to bungi jumping - but with DMT you can't see the abyss the moment you jump (inhale)!

A bit of fear or apprehension is completely normal, as long as it does not degrade to worrying: worrying about it is totally useless. It's survival instinct of the body. After all we're opening up new universes here, old and trusted worldviews are about to shatter!
PERSONAL GEMS of INFO from a Place of Love:

Hey SWIYs- Just because SWIM is a Newbie on this site doesn't mean that SWIM haven't devoted SWIM life to this Topic and Related ones.
SWIM feels like SWIM like'd to Give Back a couple of Gems of Info that have really Payed off for SWIM.

SWIM failed many time at acquiring the spice, but finally got it right THX to this site. Some of SWIYs who post are awesome and Thank SWIY.

1. Extraction Fine Tunings: Use ROCK SALT (Make Water Heavy, Stops Form/Emulsions During Shaking), XYLENE (Instead of Naptha, attaches to everything and in smaller volumes), ACETONE (Instead of Acidified Water, to get Color/Everything out of the Plant/RootBark, does it in ONE GO without heat, better than 2-3 Pulls with acidified water with fucked Hands/Gloves) and a Narrow Mouthed Wine Bottle (Duck Tape around bottom of bottle if using Heat SO DOESN'T BREAK!- ie: Crock Pot with Rocks in it, Bottle sits on/at Top - Recommended) and Turkey Baster (Condenses Liquid/Xylene to top of bottle; suck out, put in other smaller Jar; Repeat till no more color pulls through). Those 4 Techniques Made the Difference with the rest of the more common steps that are Much easier to Run Across than What SWIM has mentioned. Hope it makes a Difference for SWIYs Newbies and saves SWIY a shit ton of time.

2. Covering SWIYs ASS!: People/Gov/The Close-Minded Don't want SWIY to become "Enlightened" and the Master of SWIY own destiny. And they're richer than SWIY. Don't doubt what could Happen! Use Proxy Software like TOR (Look it Up - GET IT!). !!!!!!!!!!No Website Proxys!!!!!!!!! For going to this site and any other research SWIY do! Don't Make WEB-LOG/ISP Tracks! Or it could bite you later.. Also, Consider Free Encryption Software for what SWIY has on SWIYs Hard Drive.

3. Balls to the Wall: HOW much does SWIY want it? Pain, Adversity, Complications. Just DO IT! It's Worth it-

4. Snorting/Insufflation it DOES WORK!!!!!!!!!!!! Like a 3-6 hour DiMiTi/Lucy Sky Demon's Trip. The Burn? YES.. Is it worth it? YES. Less deep? Maybe.. Maybe Farther! YES! More assimilable experience like Ayahasca would be. YES!!! SWIY only needs a couple more times as much and it pays off - ie: SWIY get's ya Bang for ya Buck. Snuff it; Stick SWIY's finger up nose and Hold it there. Also, put 1-2 drops of Vinegar on Spice, Wait 5-10 mins till kinda moistened or dissolved. **Snort it/Insufflation it** (Use Hydrate Lime instead on Vinegar Drops if SWIY has it (SWIM hasn't tried it.. Maybe better absorbed and faster come on. Do it if SWIY Can) VIN worked fine for SWIM.

5. Don't be Sacred of MOAIS - Practice, take a lot, Don't have anything Reactive in SWIYs system.

GO^D Luck all SWIYs Journeys. Much Love- Enlighten others, Read, Study, Write, Convert SWIYs Carefully, Find the Others! Be Mindful, Compassionate. Study here, Study Terrence McKenna, Study Daniel Pinchbeck. FIND THE OTHERS! It's a Hard Journey, but it's WELL worth it. SWIM has the Highest Level of Respect and Love for anyone on this site Reading or Posting. May SWI US's view of Reality WIN!

[The Nexus is free to Promote SWIMs Membership Higher and/OR Re-post this or SWIMs Info in other more Pertinent Sections]

3.141592653589793238462643383279 said:
It will be interesting to see when humanity finally makes that jump from the I to the WE.
Within our life times I hope pi. For the sake of humanity and earth as it used to be.
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