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Intravenous mescaline HCl - Peripherally inserted central catheter

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Why do you have a PIC? I'd imagine it's part of a serious regimen intended to take care of a serious health issue, or your veins are damaged to an extent that it's needed for routine IV drugs, but you wouldn't be home with it if that was the case. I wouldn't recommend using your PIC to dose for various reasons, from receiving a infection of your heart lining to your nurse noticing that the port/line been tampered with (they DEFINITELY WILL see discoloring and think you're doing heroin or something and then may yank your Tx for it). Also they aren't very comfortable, I couldn't imagine tripping with a line in my heart.

I do condone IV or IM as a safe ROA for the responsible and mature when used with care but again, wouldn't recommend messing with a PIC line.

Have absolutely no info specific to mesc HCl other than it should be feasible and water sol, but prolly is pretty harsh on vein tissue and may cause collapse or burns.
The PICC is due to long antibiotic therapy of lymese disease.

In fact I am not considering this too seriously, as any IV or even IM was a no go for me in the past. This was one of my crucial rules when using any drugs to keep me safe. But that was another story, my relationship with drugs was not clear by that time. Now it is different and I think it would be ok to administer mescaline or dmt through PICC. I would have to be sure I know what I am doing though and I don't believe I can find someone with such knowledge.

Technically it wouldn't be problem, especially if it went through infusion. I doubt it would have any negative effect on veins with such dilution, the bag contains 250ml of the solution. Infection should not be a problem too, as I do the infusion everyday anyway, everything is sterile. I would just add mescaline to the physiological salt solution as I do with atb. The mescaline would be kept with 20ml of physiological salt solution for few minutes at 100C, sucked by sterile syringe and injected into the bag.

The PICC is in fact quite comfortable, I almost don't know about it. In fact every regular IV user would probably be thankful for such device :)
Can you be 100 percent certain that the solution of mescaline salt that you prepare is sterile?
Or more specifically, can you be 100 percent certain that your mescaline salt is completely sterile?
It propabably is, but with the very small chance that it isn't, comes a very serious risk.

I'm curious about how your Lyme disease was diagnosed.
This is a controversial area where I am from.
There is nothing like 100% sureness :(
I would bake dose of powderized mescaline hcl at let's say 150C for one hour within small glass bottle. Then 5ml of sterile physiological salt solution would be added. Disolved mescaline solution would be kept at 99C for 5 minutes. Solution would be then sucked by sterile syringe and injected into the physiological salt solution bag.

It was diagnosed by multiple blood tests and lumbar puncture. Everything positive. And of course symptoms...

Lyme disease is a controversial from every point of view.
I'd want to fill the syringe through a filter. Take account of the efficiency and go easy on the dose. Have a sitter, preferably someone with professional medical training... and of course absolutely report back if you do try it.

My understanding is that IV mescaline was used in research in the 50's, but not often, and the purported benefits (higher efficiency) don't really outweigh the risks.

I'm not very familiar with a PIC, but if it runs mainline right to your heart, I'd probably avoiding putting these kinds of substances in there.
dreamer042 said:
I'm not very familiar with a PIC, but if it runs mainline right to your heart, I'd probably avoiding putting these kinds of substances in there.

But why? Does it really matter whether it goes to your vein by needle or PICC? It reaches the heart anyway, no?
dragonrider said:
But why? Mescaline works perfectly, the oral way. Especially pure mescaline.

Good question. Actually I don't have any answer here. I was just curious whether it is worth trying. It seems it is not though.
Picc line finishes outside the heart. Sometimes they go to far and end up inside the heart. But every picc line placement is followed by an X-ray to ensure that the tip is outside the heart. If They have gone too far and are inside the heart, the line gets pulled back a bit, so the tip is outside the heart, usually in the svc.

Long term picc lines get infected every now and again, even when people don't fiddle with them. Personally, I wouldn't fiddle with it.
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