Hey bro, welcome!
Sorry for no replies, as you may have noticed the nexus in the last few months has become very busy and sometimes we may miss some post. I guess its also an opportunity to practice patience when we dont get the answers we want
Regarding the negative feelings you had in your experience, its impossible for us to accurately say what it was, first of all because you dont describe it too thoroughly ("strung out" and "mind racing" are quite generic statements that could for example describe normal psychedelic effects, depending on your mind set).Secondly its hard to say whether the extra rue caused something because other variables may be involved (different set and setting? self-suggestion thinking it will be better? Maybe the chali mix in the first one and not the second made a difference, etc). Lastly because from just two experiments its hard to make a relationship, maybe it was coincidence/chance, or what not..
What I can say is that some people dont like excessive amount of harmalas, but there's many individual differences in harmala metabolism so 3g can be a lot for some and too little for others. Thats why you have to experiment and find for yourself whats your ideal amounts from a specific batch (remember if you change batch, you have to find the ideal dosage again, as alkaloid content may vary a lot even from same suppliers).
What dosage of chaliponga and jurema are you using? How where the experiences, how was the setting?
"tell me are you a bad fish too....." (I was addicted to sublime as a teenager
