Rising Star
Hey there, people of the Nexus!
I think my reasons for signing up here are fairly clear considering the nature of
the Nexus. So i'll skip to the introduction. I'm a young one, 19 next tuesday.
In the past year i've had an enormous wave of influences affect me, which have ultimately
changed me as a person, in most cases for the better. Untill now i never thought
someone could become an entirely different person in such a short amount of time.
Before last year i was sworn against any "drug". Due to alot of, well, let's call
them "experiences", now i smoke weed pretty much all the time. That's about the
extent of my "drug" use, for lack of a better term.
Metaphysics literally fill my thoughts everyday, it's the only way i can think
of the world anymore. It's caused a complete change in my perception,
probably because i'm young and probably naive. But to me it makes more
sense than anything i've sought explanation for, well, everything i suppose.
Let me clarify. Although i've previously been against any drug use in the past,
i've always been fascinated with it's effects on people. Out of curiosity i read
experiences people have had on various different psychedelics, which eventually
lead me to the whole metaphysics deal. This was shortly before an incredible
crisis i went through, which introduced me to good ol' Marijuana. So i further
explored these psychedelics and eventually got ahold of some shitty shrooms.
I had pretty mild effects (this was like 4 months ago), but truthfully
it was still pretty awesome. Given that i never experienced anything like it.
Needless to say, i'm a newbie. A pretty determined newbie however. Determined
to discover myself, because i still have no idea who i am. Yet, this whole threads
purpose is to tell you who i am. So here i am, name's AJ. Sup
I think my reasons for signing up here are fairly clear considering the nature of
the Nexus. So i'll skip to the introduction. I'm a young one, 19 next tuesday.
In the past year i've had an enormous wave of influences affect me, which have ultimately
changed me as a person, in most cases for the better. Untill now i never thought
someone could become an entirely different person in such a short amount of time.
Before last year i was sworn against any "drug". Due to alot of, well, let's call
them "experiences", now i smoke weed pretty much all the time. That's about the
extent of my "drug" use, for lack of a better term.
Metaphysics literally fill my thoughts everyday, it's the only way i can think
of the world anymore. It's caused a complete change in my perception,
probably because i'm young and probably naive. But to me it makes more
sense than anything i've sought explanation for, well, everything i suppose.
Let me clarify. Although i've previously been against any drug use in the past,
i've always been fascinated with it's effects on people. Out of curiosity i read
experiences people have had on various different psychedelics, which eventually
lead me to the whole metaphysics deal. This was shortly before an incredible
crisis i went through, which introduced me to good ol' Marijuana. So i further
explored these psychedelics and eventually got ahold of some shitty shrooms.
I had pretty mild effects (this was like 4 months ago), but truthfully
it was still pretty awesome. Given that i never experienced anything like it.
Needless to say, i'm a newbie. A pretty determined newbie however. Determined
to discover myself, because i still have no idea who i am. Yet, this whole threads
purpose is to tell you who i am. So here i am, name's AJ. Sup