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Introducing Hyperspace Fool

Migrated topic.

Hyperspace Fool

Rising Star
OG Pioneer

1st off, I love this community and the dedicated psychonauts who populate it. Sincerely.

I am posting this intro because I want to participate here.

That said, I am more than a little wary of being "public" and being overly out there in ways that could very easily come back from the cloud and enter "real life." Also, the questions and discussions I have here regarding the activities and alchemical experiments of various SWIMs are, for the record, 4th hand anectodal hypotheticals which I am posting because the actual fictional entities are not courageous enough to do it themselves.

[Don't we all just LOVE disclaimers?]

The things about myself I am willing to share with you are that:

1) I am a lifelong lucid dreamer
2) I am a relatively accomplished in many fields and disciplines of esoteric practice and cultivation
3) I am a reiki master
4) I have EXTENSIVE experience with entheogens
5) I'm an artist, poet, writer, and an accomplished musician and music producer
6) I've been using mind machines, sensory deprivation tanks and other forms of spiritual tech since the 80's
7) I have a profound love of logical, intellectual debate... and learning for learning's sake

I guess that is about it for now. I may be inclined to share more as I become comfortable here and am accepted as part of the clan. This dreaming cave bear tends to avoid clans, and regards most bi-pedal hominids he meets as partially psychotic infants and toddlers in the scheme of conscious, sentient beings. This isn't as arrogant as it sounds. I consider myself to be extremely ignorant and... well foolish. I take no pride in being somewhat more awake and knowledgeable than others. Being one of the smarter kids in pre-pre-school is nothing to be proud of.

It is my firm knowledge that future humans (as well as the legions of beings who are superior to us) will/do regard us as primitive cave people living in the dark ages. I agree with this assessment and am generally embarassed for my species. Still, I have a lot of love for humanity. I know we will eventually flower and grow into the galactic, universal and omniversal community as light beings and purveyors of novelty. At the very least, our big brothers and angelic guides absolutely LOVE our best music.


Much love to all of you.
good day Hyperspace Fool,

nice of you to join. I had to smile at your final paragraph. Of course if humanity progresses we will look back and see that were were not as developed as we will be then. But that is nothing to be ashamed of. We are not ashamed of our past as primates or even less evolved forms now either. They have all been necessary steps in evolution. The thing we should be ashamed of would be if we did not progress, if we stayed stagnant and eventually became extinct. However in that case there would be no one to feel ashamed anymore.

In any case I believe in progress and transformations. Have you heard of process theory? All things are part of ever-ongoing processes and transformations; there's no avoiding it. It's silly almost to think otherwise. That's why I'm hopeful on the whole for our species and wish to try to increase that which I believe will help our process lead to something more positive. I think cursing the state we are in at the moment is not helpful. We just need to move forward, as we are, no doubt.

Hey Hyperspace Fool :)

I am more than glad to welcome you aboard our little hyperspace train :) I have no comments regarding your introduction essay – it shows you are a right kind of person to ride along, what else do I need to know? ;) Enjoy your stay and good luck with your further spiritual growth :)

Hyperspace Fool,

Welcome to the Nexus. I would like to sincerely encourage you to take some hours, days, etc. and really, deeply look around. It's just speculation on my part, but I suspect that you will 1.) Feel a lot more comfortable and 2.) Realize that the Nexus is filled with folks on a similar path, though some may use different language.

If you have ongoing security concerns and the statement that the Admin here (The Traveler) is a world-class, cutting edge programmer who quadruple encrypts stuff at the drop of a hat does not reassure you . . . . then maybe look into using TOR Project or a similar onion layer before browsing Nexus and other sites that might be viewed as "sketchy" in the eyes of societal authority entities.

Again, Welcome. :D
Yes Enoon.

I am familiar with Arnold & Amy Mindell (sp?) and the Process Work stuff. Very cool material. It is mostly compiled from other sources, but its synthesis and elucidation in that form is quite cool. They adopt concepts from such disparate sources as Casteneda, Chuang Tzu, Tantra, Jung, Gurdjief (sp?) etc. etc.

I also agree with your assessment about progress. It is surely natural. I, however, still tend to cringe when I think of the behavior of humans in our past & present. The "dark ages" were full of troubling things which have not fully been resolved. We are still dealing with the ramifications of events that transpired a millenia ago. And, while I do see progress... I also see plenty of regression. We have a very potent reactionary tide that, if left to its own devices, could very well curtail or derail the precious advances we do make/ have made.

Being embarassed to be human is akin to feeling some shame when you are out with family members who proceed to make fools of themselves. Getting kicked out of a restaurant because your uncles are too drunk to deal with being in public, or because your aunt is schizophrenic and causes drama everywhere you take her... heheheh. Only more troubling than that, because our crazy and stupid relations are destroying ecosystems and causing the extinction of entire species.

Anyway, glad to make your acquaintance. Thanks for chiming in on my thread. :)
Thank you Astralex & Pandora.

I appreciate the warm welcome.

Actually, I did a LOT of poking around here before I decided to join up. I learned an awful lot from the wizards and scientists here well before it dawned on me that I wanted to participate actively.

I'm not any more fearful than any intelligent being should be. Most of my friends consider me fearless... and truthfully what I consider "fear" most would simply call caution. Of course, since all of the discussions that take place here are hypothetical and the activities I may mention in posts are all SWIM's, we COULD say that the point is somewhat moot.

Only, we all know better than that.

Nonetheless, when the mods see fit to promote me, I will be happy to weigh in on any number of issues with relish.

Cheers y'all.

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