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Introduction and request for full membership

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi all,

A little about myself: About 13 years ago, I ran in to a friend who handed me a bag filled with mushrooms. This started me on a journey that brought me into contact with the contents of my mind, as well as Peruvian ayahuasqueros, Huichol elders, the Lakota Sundance, and new age ayahuasca addicts.

Seeking wisdom, I looked for a cultural context for my mushroom journeys, and through a local shamanic teaching network, became friends with a Peruvian Yatiri (priest) who has led me and my family on true adventures, and has helped me provide a context for working with the plant medicines. I have vision quested in Mexico, worked extensively with the peyote and ayahuasca medicines, as well as other traditional Native ceremonies--inipi (sweat lodge) and sun dance.

I found this forum by accident some time ago, and have benefited from the support that the community offers. Besides offering a true forum for free speech, the members care about one another, and care about the metaphysical questions raised by journeying with these medicines. I would like to add to this network of support, and think that I have an interesting background and knowledge that may be of benefit to many here, and I know a great deal about the culture surrounding emerging ayahuasca churches in North America.

Peace to you all, and blessings to your families.
Hello Matthew and welcome to the community!

Thanks for taking time to write this, I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for in the Nexus. And please share the knowledge you have!
Greetings Matthew! I don't think it is completely free speech here, spreading too much negativity isn't tolerated for long... but that is why it's still a nice place. We're lucky to have nice peeps running it.
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