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Introduction Essay extended

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I am new to this as many users doing an essay like this probably are.
I have gone through 2 low dose trips and the feeling is amazing and undiscribable.
on another note, a little about myself. I am a musician, not the greatest, but a musician.
I like to do social experiments for my own knowledge of reactions.
I would love to learn as much as I could, and I can see much potential in the possibilities with my new recreational/healing activity.
After the first time, I truthfully felt better about myself, and more alert of my own health. i started making improvements alredy with my day to day life. Best I have felt in quit a while.
I try to be friendly to the best of my capabilities.
Please excuse me if I am not familiar with certain words or phrases. It may take me a while to get used to them.
Also although I dont know if everybody agrees with my idea, but I like finding friends in nonconventional places. Some people only search things that are popular, but I believe you can find good people anywhere.
Thanks for reading, hope I did not bore anybody.
Have a good one.

Well, this is a little short for an essay, so I may add to it on and off without destroying the first post.

I am just thrilled with all of the information I have read and all of the ideas people are posting. The experiments I am coming up with, or wanting to copy are growing everytime I sign on. I need to start writing mine down so I can look them up or post them. I forget my own ideas to easily if I dont put them into action or have them written. I wish I had more time to just be able to immediately start all of them I fancy or question. With of coarse safety first. I am always about safety, naturally a worry wart usually although in the past month, I have been seeming more at ease with worries and occupied with the forums and other projects.
Hi & Welcome to the Nexus

I'm a musician myself & psychedelics are great for unlocking or boosting powers of creativity, hey the 60's are cast iron proof of that. Cant imagine that sgt peppers would have happened if all the Beatles were doing were having a few pints of an evening.
Thank you for the welcoming.
Music is great, I have yet to do some real experimenting with it. I may not sound like some of the greats, but that isnt what it is about. Enjoy what you love to do, thats the way to go.
Thanks again
Some of the simplest songs are also some of the best and when it comes to your own stuff, as long as the music fits the lyrics and conveys the feeling your aiming for.....that's all that matters. A piece of music doesn't have to be full of pinched harmonics, double tapping, and legato runs played at a blistering pace to do that. All music has it's place and all styles will have people who value them.

Music made while tripping may sound amazing at the time, but when you have come back to earth it may likely seem a mess. It can be great to play while tripping, but often the value of it to your music will come with the ideas and inspiration you bring back and apply once the trip is over.

Good luck with your experiments
Hello there.

From my experience music is a great tool for trancendance. We use it in Ayawaska rituals and it can open your mind in amazing ways... :) I guess the mind is influenced by frequencyes in ways that are still to fully understand.

Check out this "Icaro" (chamanic song full of ancient wisdom) that has been mixed with music. I think this Icaros are used as songs during the ayahausca rituals in the amazons.

I can really fell a medative alterd state just by lisening to it.

Im curious about this micro dosing can do for you and specaially when used together with meditation and music.

All the best!!
I cannot seem to edit this post on my phone any further at the moment, I will add this other piece as a reply post instead.

Now I am not trying to help promote myself or my posts, but I feel that the last one I did is good to read for anybody that is new to DMT, or may possibly interact with people new to DMT in person, and especialy if you plan on being a sitter for new or unknoledgable semi-new travelers. Your thought on what I said may be different, and if so I would love to know. Anothers opinion can be another way to learn. If you want to agree, add, or say anything then no worries. Dont hold back, it is hard to offend me, and if anything, I would rather hear anything and everything you may think of this post.

This is a link to it I hope you enjoy and even more that it may prove helpfull.
Being a sitter - Welcome discussion - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
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