Well after one year of enjoying the wonderful comradeship of The Nexus, I will finally take some time to share!! Whenever I have felt lonely for kindred spirits I have delved into reading, reading, reading all the myraid experiences expressed here...Dmt has come and gone out of my grasp, so when I had no way of contact, I came here as a virtual experience... I found this sight when I was doing research; to catch up to my few dmt experiences which kept finding me, but I wanted more context to explore... And here I am in my element 'personally', yet out of my element *socially* By this I mean that I grew up in the 70s and did a fair share of psychedelics which had an immediate effect on my spirituality and perception, BUT (I am quite positive that i am in a 2percentile of the demographics here~~my age 56 and sex=female); A couple of years ago I fell into circumstances that provided dmt experiences, with no knowledge of what exactly I had been presented with. So being fascinated and awed, I started researching. Rick Strassman, Terence McKenna, the internet, and you-tube.
My personal experiences have ranged from terrifying and traumatic to healing, amazing and beyond beautiful. I find it interesting that thru my whole life I have had extraodinary recall of dreams... But my dmt experiences are rather obscured from cognitve recall or memory. More of an abstact recall, a language-less recall, like I have gone tooo far away to remember or humanly process. Yet reading about others experiences is all so familiar!! There has been healing that I have felt and experiences I needed, and was lucky to access. Also I have noticed the progression into the deep...I have a vague memory of thinking that the smell/taste of the smoke was very distasteful, now its divine. The carrier wave and visuals were huge; now its an immediate arrival... My one inquiry is that even though I seem to come across dmt every so often, is there a way to create my own Changa for a bed? I realise that I am unsure what *changa* even is?!? Thank you for being out there~~all together, so many experiences!!! PS, I think I read here once that dmt leaves you with more questions than answers, that is definately true, yet it opens up many new avenues to explore, answers or not:thumb_up:
My personal experiences have ranged from terrifying and traumatic to healing, amazing and beyond beautiful. I find it interesting that thru my whole life I have had extraodinary recall of dreams... But my dmt experiences are rather obscured from cognitve recall or memory. More of an abstact recall, a language-less recall, like I have gone tooo far away to remember or humanly process. Yet reading about others experiences is all so familiar!! There has been healing that I have felt and experiences I needed, and was lucky to access. Also I have noticed the progression into the deep...I have a vague memory of thinking that the smell/taste of the smoke was very distasteful, now its divine. The carrier wave and visuals were huge; now its an immediate arrival... My one inquiry is that even though I seem to come across dmt every so often, is there a way to create my own Changa for a bed? I realise that I am unsure what *changa* even is?!? Thank you for being out there~~all together, so many experiences!!! PS, I think I read here once that dmt leaves you with more questions than answers, that is definately true, yet it opens up many new avenues to explore, answers or not:thumb_up: