Rising Star
I've recently come across this forum and lurked for a few days now, reading the trip reports which have been a beautiful read; each and every one of them. Firstly thanks to all that took the time to write.
I recently read an incredible trip report and wanted to PM the user to ask if they have any other stories. After registering, it said I could only PM moderators and then I could achieve a recommendation by writing in this forum. Fair play, totally cool with that.
So here I am
Had a few trips myself with various things (shr00ms mainly) and recently discovered DMT which I am yet to try. This all started after I watched The Spirit Molecule which just reached out to me. The way the subjects talked about it...trying to put it into words and speaking so passionately made me want to cry. With the accompanying images and music, I just felt so on the same wavelength with them! After seeing this, emailing mr Strauss to say thanks and that I'll get his book for sure (and receiving a reply!!) it's something I *have* to experience.
I have experienced something very special just a day or two ago with breathing exercises (whilst smoking big tokes), brainwave generators and meditation which I'd love to share with you..maybe after I receive the status required, I can share this all with you in the experiences section.
Questions out of curiosity - don't have to answer all of them..just the ones that stand out to you!
-What future do you see of this drug, if any? I mean if it'll become legal in some other places in the world, become more exposed (in a good way!) in the media. I'm saddened to see this so unheard of and illegal.
-Do you think it's a good idea to try and get the ones you love to experience this too? Of course, judgement of their character comes into play here but yeah...I get the feeling after I experience breakthrough (which I'm going to love..I just know it) I'll want to share this with as many people as possible that I know will also enjoy it. Not in a forceful way of course, but slowly introduce them and see what they think.
-How would you answer this question (as my housemate asked me today after we discussed it today - he's a fellow smoker)
"How do you know this experience actually exists? Could it not just be an extremely strong high? As in, everything you experience isn't actually real?"
I answered with "Well for a start, how do you explain the countless common things experienced i.e. loads of people have met entities with the same description." which he seemed to agree with but I want something a bit more to add to it. How would you answer if asked this? I suppose I could also come back with "Just try it." as it can't really be proven in any way..?
I think that's all for now....for sure I have loads of other questions but would like to create separate threads for them as dumping them all in one thread could get confusing and messy. I love talking about this.
peace and love
Riley :lol:
I've recently come across this forum and lurked for a few days now, reading the trip reports which have been a beautiful read; each and every one of them. Firstly thanks to all that took the time to write.
I recently read an incredible trip report and wanted to PM the user to ask if they have any other stories. After registering, it said I could only PM moderators and then I could achieve a recommendation by writing in this forum. Fair play, totally cool with that.
So here I am

Had a few trips myself with various things (shr00ms mainly) and recently discovered DMT which I am yet to try. This all started after I watched The Spirit Molecule which just reached out to me. The way the subjects talked about it...trying to put it into words and speaking so passionately made me want to cry. With the accompanying images and music, I just felt so on the same wavelength with them! After seeing this, emailing mr Strauss to say thanks and that I'll get his book for sure (and receiving a reply!!) it's something I *have* to experience.
I have experienced something very special just a day or two ago with breathing exercises (whilst smoking big tokes), brainwave generators and meditation which I'd love to share with you..maybe after I receive the status required, I can share this all with you in the experiences section.
Questions out of curiosity - don't have to answer all of them..just the ones that stand out to you!
-What future do you see of this drug, if any? I mean if it'll become legal in some other places in the world, become more exposed (in a good way!) in the media. I'm saddened to see this so unheard of and illegal.
-Do you think it's a good idea to try and get the ones you love to experience this too? Of course, judgement of their character comes into play here but yeah...I get the feeling after I experience breakthrough (which I'm going to love..I just know it) I'll want to share this with as many people as possible that I know will also enjoy it. Not in a forceful way of course, but slowly introduce them and see what they think.
-How would you answer this question (as my housemate asked me today after we discussed it today - he's a fellow smoker)
"How do you know this experience actually exists? Could it not just be an extremely strong high? As in, everything you experience isn't actually real?"
I answered with "Well for a start, how do you explain the countless common things experienced i.e. loads of people have met entities with the same description." which he seemed to agree with but I want something a bit more to add to it. How would you answer if asked this? I suppose I could also come back with "Just try it." as it can't really be proven in any way..?
I think that's all for now....for sure I have loads of other questions but would like to create separate threads for them as dumping them all in one thread could get confusing and messy. I love talking about this.
peace and love
Riley :lol: