Rising Star
I've been lurking here for the past few months and finally decided to join and hopefully become part of this cool little community you guys have going here. SWIM tried DMT for the first time about 3 months ago, he had experimented with things like shrooms and LSD while he was in high school and pretty much didn't do anymore for the next few years since he went into the army. He's recently got out of the army and got the opportunity to try DMT, which he has been listening to people like the late Terrence Mckenna, Joe Rogan and others talk for a long time now. He's probably done it ~20 times so far. He's yet to meet any entities or at least remember meeting any, but he did one time see himself as some white lion headed bipedal thing with a crown on his head, at least the impression that stuck with him for some reason is that that was him. He honestly doesn't remember too much about a lot of the times he did it though. Not sure the dosage that he was taking in terms of MG either, they were in capsules and filled about half way. He is very interested in the stuff, it seems to take him to some place where he gets almost a realization that this place is real and the world he just came from prior to this is the unreal or less real one, it's like some unexplainable truth that he can't explain or even attempt to prove if asked. After the initial peak, his brain seems to enter a place where there is more clarity in thinking, then he's ever experienced. It's not just a different perspective, it is that but it's more then just that. He hasn't had any bad trips at all yet, though one of the times he had a feeling of extreme hunger and thirst, like he hadn't eaten or drank anything in years and also was just burning up with heat, it was hot as hell at the time though (no AC), so that may have been it. He honestly loves the stuff, it along with quantum physics have given him something to be curious about again and hope that there is more to this world then he had previously thought. It has revitalized him, and he is looking forward to starting to make it, since he probably won't be able to find much if anymore where he is right now