Hey I'm ljfe. I'm a regular at drugs-forum (hopefully I'm allowed to mention that on here). I have extensive experience with psychedelics. I haven't journeyed in years, but I just decided to order some Ololiuqui, because I've been depressed lately and I think an LSA trip could be helpful. Something that you guys may be interested in is my very many Yopo experiences. That plant has a place in my heart and always will. I even got a tattoo of a vision I had. I have never done N,N or 5meo. I don't plan on doing them unless it is the form of Ayahuasca. I went through an LSD phase (didn't we all) that did not end well. I have sworn off chemicals since my LSD phase, but I will continue pursing ethnobotanicals...some that I want to try in the future are cacti and iboga. I hope this wasn't too boring.