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Rising Star
Hello everyone,
My name is Jack. I have been quietly roaming DMT-Nexus for about 3 months now but never really thought about making an account. Thats usually how it goes with me. I enjoy observing and keeping my opinions to myself. This forum however, is such a tight-nit community, so i think i will find it beneficial to join in on the Fun. :)

So, a bit about me. Well first off, i am 18 and live in Melbourne, Australia.
From the age of 15, i became interested in natural drugs and psychedelics after smoking my first joint. I also became more aware about how much biased information is being thrown around by the education system, and how the higher authorities use fear tactics as a tool to keep kids away from mind expanding substances.
When i did a student exchange to Japan for three months last year, i found this most evident. As some of you may know, Japan is notorious for having strict drug laws. When i was at school over there, the anti-drug campaigns were quite disturbing due to its inaccuracy. for example, "smoking a joint will make you think that bugs are crawling inside you skin, therefore you will jump out of a window." As i looked around the hall will with over 500 Japanese students, they looked horrified. It really made me quite angry that the higher authority think they know whats right for us, and that they will lie through their teeth to keep us from knowing the truth. So after this, i was determined to find out the fundamental facts about drugs for myself.

Early last year after leaving Japan, i started to research psychedelic drugs for myself because everyone who had ever informed me about substances like LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and DMT always attached negative connotations to them. And i was sick of being told what to think or how i should think. So after many weeks of research, i was confident that experimenting with psychedelics would most likely do me good rather than bad.

So, when i was 17, i had shrooms for the first time. And i truly believe that after my experience, i was a completely different person. (in a good way). So for a lot of 2010, i experimented with shrooms and LSD. now it should be noted that i took moderation into consideration. I didn't let it get in the way of my final year of school. in fact my grades became greater than that of the year before. And well yeah, the way i observe the world changed completely.

Now where does this leave me?
In the next year or so, i plan on moving to Japan for a year or two to teach English as a second language. But at this moment in my life, i think i have lost touch with my true being. I use to meditate daily and smoke the occasional joint. I had also quit drinking. But lately my life has become more complicated, i haven't had time to relax, and i started frequently drinking again. Now this isn't affecting me mentally, but i do think that i would like to explore my inner self and see where i am heading in life. And after months of research, i think i am ready to try DMT.. Well, i wouldn't say ready. But i know that the time is right.

That is way i come to you, the experienced and the knowledgeable. So i hope you guys can accept me into your forums as an active member, as i'd like to learn as much as i can from you all, and hope that i can offer my own personal experiences with psychedelics in return.
Tizzy, (Jack)
Hi Tizzy,

welcome to the nexus.

It's good to hear you had positive experiences with psychedelics despite the propaganda that's being spread. It takes a curious and sceptical mind to break out of the pre-made cubicle lives that the majority of the people seem to think is acceptable, and try to find an alternative way of experiencing the self and its reflections.

I've noticed in myself that i've quite drinking almost completely since I started working with dmt, because I somehow felt it was undermining the energies I was developing through my work. I don't think this is a general thing though - some people enjoy alcohol and it doesn't seem to have any negative effects on their development, though I suppose they aren't going on binges. I think it's important to kind of find out what the positive and what the negative forces are in your life at any given point (talking about activities here not emotions or things pertaining to the inner landscapes). I think these things can and will change. Once you can differentiate, just make it a point to pursue the positive and not the negative, and don't worry about if a little negative energy is fed through your system now and then. Just don't give it the amount of attention you give the positive side :)

Feel free to ask whatever you need here in the forum and for on the fly help with anything try the chat function.

cheers & love to you
Thanks for the laugh Tizzy, that part about the bugs crawling inside your skin comes as no surprise, but it tickled me (get it) either way. Welcome to the nexus, may you find all you need here. Be well!
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