Rick Sanchez
Rising Star
recently Ive noticed some very strange activity in a couple of my monotubs. Out of the 30 or so Ive spawned so far, this is the only time Ive seen anything like this and havent been able to locate a similar account anywhere. The fruits grew incredibly slow and took around a week to mature, yet remained the size of a pin when the caps opened. An entire tub would yield around 7g dry instead of 112+ like usual. This was not genetic as it was seen simultaneously between two different strains (GT and Mazatapec) and was not likely the result of conditions in the grow area as another tub nearby (Maza) continued to produce healthy fruits the whole time. How is it possible for this bizarre growth pattern to simultaneously effect only two monotubs that each contained a distinct strain while none of the other tubs around them showed any irregularities? The only conclusion I can imagine at this point is bacteria but I could easily be missing something. Has anyone else experienced this?