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Ipomoea Purpurea (Morning glory) - Maoi


Esteemed member
Good afternoon forum people!. Here in Argentina I still can't get any MAOIs. In my search, I came across the following article (INTA is one of the most prestigious scientific organizations in Argentina), which talks about how it has been possible to find and extract imaos from the Ipomoea Purpurea (morning glory?). I searched with the search engine, and I didn't find anything. My apologies if this has already been dealt with or I post it in the wrong place. In that case, let the moderator proceed. Thank you!!!
Link Inta
Summary - english version
MAO inhibition isn't altogether rare as a property of phytochemicals. Many flavonoids have some MAOI action, for example.

The problem is thet we've never seen a report of successful activation of oral DMT with that class of compound. The Argentinian government website gives no information about what these claimed MAOI compounds are, so some more digging in the scientific and patent literature will be necessary before we can make much more comment.

Ipomoea purpurea is one of the non-lysergamide morning glories as far as I'm aware (but I'm perpetually confusing it with I. violacea). The cell culture method suggests they may not be relying on the fungal endophytes which produce the ergoline compounds found in other MG species.
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