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Is buying extracts safe?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
SWIM has been thinking about buying an extract to smoke. Is buying extracts safe? It is made from chacruna if it makes any difference. They don't say exactly how it's made, but they claim it's "made with a proprietary cold, high pressure CO2 extraction method, in a clean, well-controlled environment."
Supercritical co2 is a "green" extraction technique its safe to extract lots of compounds (with the right equipment of course! its industrial scale stuff normally) this way as the only impurity could be co2 which just evaporates away. I think supercritical co2 is used to remove the caffeine from coffee beans to make them caffeine free.

Anyway smoking anything is not safe. All incomplete combustion can produce harmful by-products. Thats one reason vaporizing pure compounds is safer (like spice for example). Same goes for cannabis or whatever things people smoke.

However I am not sure how effective smoking concentrated psychotria viridis is in terms of getting a good hit of dmt. It seems like it wouldn't work well because you'd have to smoke a lot and tolerance builds quickly.

Also I wouldn't trust anything like that from ebay.
Seven - that is what I was talking about. So I should tell them to NOT buy it? Would it be safe to buy the plant matter on ebay and extract it? If not, where is a reputable place to buy?
Why don't you try to find information on people whether traditional or modern smoking that plant and if they get effects? I never heard of people smoking to get strong effects (maybe people do i dunno) it just eating in ayahuasca. there are a million vendors who sell regular p viridis plants seeds leaves etc.

It might be illegal to sell preparations of p viridis that are clearly intended for consumption because it contains dmt. also extracting anything from p viridis is difficult because of fats and all that.
Swim thinks you should stay away from that. Ebay isnt the place for this kind of thing like burnt said. go check out our supplier thread for some good reputable vendors.
Yeah, this is essintally buying smokable DMT with herbs...and that is illegal. I WOULD NOT buy that off of ebay. Ebay is known to be in close connection with Law Enforement of different countries.

They used to sell something similar overseas (can't remember where) but it was an Acacia extract (DMT).

Extract your own and make your own enhanced leaf if you want to...otherwise you risk a knock at the door with a van outside and men with shiney black shoes wanting to "take a look around" your place.
The most concentrated form of DMT you can legally get is Virola calophylla resin. It's legal because it's actually NOT an extract, just the unprocessed resin from a tree.

These chacruna and cactus extracts would definitely be illegal in the USA. They are clearly extracts and are being sold as such. Buying dried cactus matter or dried leaves is a different matter because it’s not an extract. Once made into an extract it clearly crosses over into being an illegal drug because it’s no longer natural plant material but an alkaloid extract. I’m surprised they are being sold on eBay. It must be the DEA selling these in order to catalog people buying illegal drugs.
SWIM has changed their mind, and decided to try to make Ayahuasca with some Mimosa Hostilis. I think they are afraid of extracting it themselves. Here is the recipe they are talking about following, it says "The magic is more concentrated in the root bark although the whole root does contain some." Is this true? If so, is there any sellers that sell just the bark? If not, SWIM is thinking about buying from the seller in this post and thinks it is the best price. Thanks for the help everyone!:d
MasterChiefa said:
SWIM has changed their mind, and decided to try to make Ayahuasca with some Mimosa Hostilis. I think they are afraid of extracting it themselves. Here is the recipe they are talking about following, it says "The magic is more concentrated in the root bark although the whole root does contain some." Is this true? If so, is there any sellers that sell just the bark? If not, SWIM is thinking about buying from the seller in this post and thinks it is the best price. Thanks for the help everyone!:d

I would STRONGLY suggest not using Mimosa as your admixture plant for your first AYA journey. For one Mimosa was not used in traditional Ayahuasca cerimonies, in fact, currandero's of the Amazon do know about Mimosa, but feel that it does not work as well with their healing vine (Caapi) as other, local plants do.

It is very easy to become overwhelemed when using Mimosa, especially on your frist few cerimonies. Dosages range from 2grams up to 30grams (I don't suggest 30grams to ANYONE for ANY reason), and it depends 100% on how you prepare your Mimosa, as most mimosa has at least .5% dry weight as DMT.

May I suggest either pharmahusaca (with THH+Harmine as the MAOI's, OR a real Caapi brew (30-60grams) xtalized DMT (30mg up to 250mgs depending on your bodies chemistry, I need 200mgs for a decent adventure, some only need 30mgs, and they are lucky for it. The other way that would work well is to use Caapi and Chaliponga (maya ethno usually has consistant and quality products) and brew traditional Ayahuasca. There is a reason they used the plants they did, and now that they have access to plants from anywhere in the world (including rue and Mimosa) they still use their age old recipe for brewing.

Both methods I mentioned are quite amazing. I do not suggest using rue or anything with a high harmaline content for your first few cerimonies. This will turn your 2-3 hour cerimony into a 3-8hr cerimony. and if you are using Mimosa with rue and you misjudge the dose of MHRB, even by a little bit you could be in for a night of pure misery. You won't die, never forget that, you'll be ok, but you may FEEL like you are going to die, or maybe even WANT to die because of how powerful the experience is. It is rather easy to flip out on a high dose of Mimosa.

Mimosa is VERY different than Chali, Chacruna, or DMT freebase Xtals. Remember if you use mimosa you are probably pulling out a lot more than just DMT. Mimosa doesn't have the cleanest profile and many of the other things in mimosa either synergize strongly with DMT+Caapi Alkaloids, or have their own psycoactive effects. Be careful with Mimosa, She can be very tricky to work with.
Just my $0.02.
acolon_5 said:
MasterChiefa said:
SWIM has changed their mind, and decided to try to make Ayahuasca with some Mimosa Hostilis. I think they are afraid of extracting it themselves. Here is the recipe they are talking about following, it says "The magic is more concentrated in the root bark although the whole root does contain some." Is this true? If so, is there any sellers that sell just the bark? If not, SWIM is thinking about buying from the seller in this post and thinks it is the best price. Thanks for the help everyone!:d

I would STRONGLY suggest not using Mimosa as your admixture plant for your first AYA journey. For one Mimosa was not used in traditional Ayahuasca cerimonies, in fact, currandero's of the Amazon do know about Mimosa, but feel that it does not work as well with their healing vine (Caapi) as other, local plants do.

I agree 100% with that. SWIM does NOT like mimosa based ayahuasca at all. It feels toxic and is not nearly as nice as ayahuasca made with chacruna or chaliponga. It causes lots of stomach distress, and doesn’t seem to go well with MAOIs. Mimosa has a lot of crap in it that’s hard on the stomach. If using Mimosa, you should extract the DMT and use only the DMT. But even then, it’s not as nice.
So is Caapi the way to go, or chacruna or chaliponga? Does anyone have a link to a recipe using the best one?

SWIM is wanting to buy the materials, but they need to know how much to order. For that they need to know how much they need. Thanks in advance.
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