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is it de-fat in strange way?

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Rising Star
in the spice extract, if one would extract with dcm and salt it with vinegar, then base it and pull with naptha, it can be a dafat prosses and result in cleaner spice?? or have any benefits?
You could, but DCM is not very forgiving on the body. I'd consider safety as a factor, and unless you have the right stuff to work with DCM, it may be best not to. If you have the safety part down, sure.

But, it's essentially the same thing as a FASA approach. You can precipitate the fumarate directly from naphtha.

You could also use vinegar to extract from naphtha. or citric, or.... lots of acids.

Take care,
About the safty, the researchs only discover change in the spice only when they let the DCM sit with the spice long time, if i extract it in half an hour its should be fine.

I have sep funnel, and when i can afford distilation setup ill buy it :)
is one needs anyother stuff to deal with DCM?

The reason i choose vinegar is because its common, and mmm..the only thing that dont mix with DCM is water, so is it even possible to FASA on DCM?

And if one will extract first with DCM and later extract with heptane it should yield of only Dmt an other alkaloids separeted?
Fractalus said:
The reason i choose vinegar is because its common, and mmm..the only thing that dont mix with DCM is water, so is it even possible to FASA on DCM?

And if one will extract first with DCM and later extract with heptane it should yield of only Dmt an other alkaloids separeted?

I don't think backsalting would work for two reasons:

- DCM is too polar, it dissolves DMT salts
- DCM is slightly miscible with water and will contaminate it

You can use it, I did in the past, but there is a chance of solvent cross contamination and you have to take care of boiling off DCM before running an extraction.

Of course, it is possible to extract with DCM, but it has a tendency to form emulsions in basic environment.

I would stick with heptane solvents for both de-fatting and extraction.

For backsalting, people have good experience with aromatics (toluene, xylene). Toluene or xylene are however bad de-fatting solvents because they pull the salt too, they are still more polar than aliphatics.

The good thing about DCM is its non-flammability, but it unless you have very good ventilation or a fume hood, you can't avoid breathing that. Depending on how often you plan to use it, I would consider switching to safer solvents.

DCM penetrates all kinds of gloves, and it will get through a standard nitrile glove in seconds.
I would stick with heptane solvents for both de-fatting and extraction.

Heptane for extraction and re-x is fine im not sure however for de-fatting, do you have personal experience with it (to deffat)? I have open thread called "Quiz for the chemists" and there i explain that i dont have access to naptha and the only naptha that evaps clearly and its available to me is mostly pentane which is not very suitable for pulls/extraction due to low boiling point, Im going to use heptane for pulls/extraction and re-x however im not sure what to use for defatt, maybe cyclohexane, chlorofrom? something very non polar?

I agree what blue.magic said about DCM.
So blue.magic from what you said there is no way to work with DCM unless you rotovap/distill it cause otherwise even if you salt it, not all the DMT is gonna go to the vinegar..thank you for that information!

is that apply to mescalin extraction also?

and xylen is awsome in pulls but not everyone can allow themself to work with it...its stinks alot..
and if ones pour it, even just faw drops, to sawage it can stink the neighber house so yeah dont do that...

and heptane for pulls its depende on the bark you working with, if its acrb its not gonna pull the NMT
I worked with DCM for DMT extraction few times, the yield was good but haven't had quantitative comparison at that time so cannot tell. I saw tek where one man used DCM without issues and had very good yield. So the loss by dissolution is probably minor.

Yes you can extract mescaline base in DCM and backsalt it to aqueous. More information here.

I see. If the smell is a concern, I cannot think of many other solvents that can be used and are relatively safe. Even with DCM though, I would use a gas mask and good ventilation.
if you have the equipment dcm is an often used solvent for extractions, but keep in mind how naughty this stuff is!

you would have to use a special kind of gasmaskfilter for gases/solvents with a low boiling point! check this out!

If you are more like doin extractions in the kitchen or the garage 😁 I wouldn't do it that way, but if you have an above mentioned gasmask and could provide much ventilation and stuff why not... I would do heptane pulls first and DCM afterwards to seperate everything and don't mess up your stuff! DCM pulls a lot of stuff and has great ability for full spectrum extraction etc. but you have to know what you wanna pull and how to process afterwards! other solvents/further purification...

By the way it will really mess up everything if have to much air contact w/o ventilation! It can slip under your mask will cling to your clothes and walls, it's a super duper chemical overkill solvent!
Which is the best for defatting but hot naphta/heptane defats do their work nearly fine as well and do suffice alternatively if you re_x afterwards!
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