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Is it normal to have no effects to speak of when freebasing Harmalas?

Migrated topic.


Terra Incognita
I just smoked what I judge to be about 150 mg of Harmala freebase, (I don't have a scale that measures below 0,1 at the moment)

I feel a bit lightheaded and foggy in the head, it's almost a cozy feeling, but other than that not much is happening.

I'm planning to smoke DMT afterwards, it's my first time using this combination.

Do you really have to feel obvious effects from the Harmalas before you can be sure the effect on DMT will be optimal, or can I just trust the Harmalas are already doing there thing?
How did you smoalk it?
No you don't need to heavily feel the harmalas so the DMT trip gets altered

150 mg smoalked properly, should hit you strong, you might not want to take the dmt after it
I vaporized the alkaloids in a Vapor Genie, which worked very well, lot's of vapor got out, even after holding it for 20 seconds, I tested first with approximately 50mg, and repeated this process until I reached about 150mg.

I did smoke the DMT about 5 minutes after posting this, and unfortunately there was no difference in effects.

I got them from a trusted source (the Harmalas I mean) so I don't really understand what's going on.

In the 10 years I'm smoking DMT, off and on, I've never had a real breakthrough, I thought Harmalas would be the answer, but I might not be bound to experience a breakthrough.

Ayahuasca is also not as strong for me as for other people, way less visual, and less powerful for me than most people at the same dose.

Pretty confusing when I read all the positive experiences people have with Harmalas.
That's really weird. 150 mg harmala freebase is too much. I could barely walk straight when I vaped 50mg.
You should have had a couch-lock.

15mg should be enough to significantly alter the dmt experience.

P.S. You didn't scale it? lol, have you previously scaled that particular batch? If not, how do you know it's around 150mg and not 10? are you comparing it to the dmt volume/mg? did you extract the freebase yourself? are you sure itsn't contaminated?
There's no chance you took 150mg freebase harmalas and didn't even get a body load.
I use a thick straw and cut a little square off the tip, so I have a small scoop, the volume of that scoop usually equals 50mg of DMT, but now I only have a scale left that doesn't measure to 00,1gr so I can't possibly be sure, you're right.

I did have a body load, but just not very heavy.

But let's assume I didn't smoke 150mg, I'm pretty sure it was close to that, but maybe I didn't and in reality I only smoked half, then that would equal 75mg, or let's say even 50mg if that's more convenient, then it's still pretty strange that I didn't have serious effects from that, no?

I will test this further and keep smoking until the bag is empty or I feel serious effects. (not today though)

I ordered the harmalas from a reputable source, people leave good reviews, but I have my doubts, especially when I see reports of people that go very deep on only 25mg.
It's freebase Isolate to be more precise, extracted from Peganum harmala seeds, rated at 99% purity.
Hi there, Spiced. Just to let you know, talking about sourcing/buying is not allowed on the forum.

One of the reasons why the Nexus promotes extracting your own substances is because of the gamble in not knowing what you're getting from others. When I have extracted harmalas from Caapi (never extracted from rue), the consistency is really fine/fluffy and what looks like almost 3 grams is actually only 1. It's definitely worth buying some milligram scales and doing some research into extractions.

All the best
Your'e right, I thought it was only limited to sourcing.
I edited my posts, I hope it's better now, sorry.

I tried extracting from Caapi once, quite a large batch and I somehow managed to mess it up leaving me with no alkaloids left in my cooking pot which demotivated me to try it again, but I will try again in the future.

I'm gonna buy a scale again in the future, but I was away from DMT for a while and didn't prioritize on buying a new one yet.

Spiced said:
It's freebase Isolate to be more precise, extracted from Peganum harmala seeds, rated at 99% purity.

Just a quick question... what colour is this isolate? If it is pure it should definitely not be brown...like the one that comes up if you google "harmala freebase isolate":thumb_up:
The purer harmalas are an off white/cream colour
Maybe you could purify what you have through a manske
Reincarnated said:
Spiced said:
It's freebase Isolate to be more precise, extracted from Peganum harmala seeds, rated at 99% purity.

Just a quick question... what colour is this isolate? If it is pure it should definitely not be brown...like the one that comes up if you google "harmala freebase isolate":thumb_up:
The purer harmalas are an off white/cream colour
Maybe you could purify what you have through a manske

Yeah, ime my harmala freebase, whether from rue or caapi - always came out that cream color. :)
Well damn, it's a light brownish powder....

I knew I had to be skeptical when someone claims 99% pure.

That probably explains a lot.
Thanks for the tip.
Spiced said:
I vaporized the alkaloids in a Vapor Genie, which worked very well, lot's of vapor got out, even after holding it for 20 seconds, I tested first with approximately 50mg, and repeated this process until I reached about 150mg.

I did smoke the DMT about 5 minutes after posting this, and unfortunately there was no difference in effects.

I got them from a trusted source (the Harmalas I mean) so I don't really understand what's going on.

In the 10 years I'm smoking DMT, off and on, I've never had a real breakthrough, I thought Harmalas would be the answer, but I might not be bound to experience a breakthrough.

Ayahuasca is also not as strong for me as for other people, way less visual, and less powerful for me than most people at the same dose.

Pretty confusing when I read all the positive experiences people have with Harmalas.

From past experience, the Vapor Genie does not work well with just harmalas. I had this same issue, thought it was vaporizing, saw the vapor, mild to no effects.
What this lead to was me infusing some mullein with Harmalas alone and using that in a water pipe which was very smooth and gentle on my non-smoker body and lead to intense effects with only harmalas. If you change to a better ROA on the harmalas make sure to start low again. I way overdid it by smoking 150mG going off past vapor genie doses that did very little. This very quickly became overwhelming and debilitating for about the next 6 hours.

I really don't think the harmalas vaporize very well and just end up going through the mesh or just staying behind in the carrier material if one is used.
Just give smoking them infused into something like mullein a try. I suspect you will have drastically different results that way.
Yup, I was going to say that getting the harmalas hotter is probably a better solution, and yeah infusing them into some herbs, I've smoked harmalas piled on top of mullein and tbh that worked very very well.
Yeah for me the pure full spectrum Rue or manske'd Harmala extracts are a whitish/cream/tan-ish kinda color, the darker the color the more impure it is. Brown extracts would probably be a crude freebased extract or an extract that was maybe cleaned up once so it's still a bit impure. As for vaping them, i haven't tried vaping them, i've always smoked them, i would put some extract on top of a bowl of Cannabis and smoke away, worked very well. I wanna try infusing them onto a leaf just haven't gotten around to it yet, speaking of which i need to make more extract here soon.
There was posted a lab report of the purity, what more can we expect?
I hope that report is no BS.
Color has never been a good gauge, people with off white harmalas might still have sodium carbonate contamination.

I bet on ROA efficacy deficit why it did not work.
I'm not supposed to talk about sourcing, so let's just say I'm based in Europe and there were no lab results to be seen, just words.
The color wasn't dark brown though, it's almost Caucasian skin colored when I hold it against my arm. . But brownish. Light brown would be more correct.

So maybe the product is good enough after all.

I'll try applying more heat with a herb base in a bong next time.
I can't say when that will be, I take my time now a days, getting older.

But if it worked I'll report back.

Thank you all for the tips!

Ps: I didn't pay too much attention to dietary restrictions last time except old fruit or meat, too much cheese, caffeine, medication and alcohol and didn't notice side effects, but then again the Harmalas didn't really work, I assume with RIMA's this is good enough?
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