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Is it salt or freebase?

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Rising Star
Hi, im new here. Name's breakstuff, from the Alamo City. Ive been reading as much as I can about DMT and the experiences people have with it. It is a subject I find very interesting, with all of its implications about the life experience. In the past I have often asked myself in short moments of clarity... Why are we here, and what is all of this? Is LIFE a result of the physical world or is the physical universe here because there is life? How did I as an organism evolve so complex as to have senses...the better to see you, to hear you, to taste you I suppose. It seems to me, when thinking of odds, that it is far more unlikely that there is life in the universe than there being a universe at all. I guess what I mean is that we are not necessary, and that is a basic philosophy I share. That is how unique and beautiful our lives are...the universe does not need us for its survival, or existence rather, yet we exist as a part of it. The universe just had to have us so it could see itself. Well with that you can see some of what i wonder about the universe but I really have a question about the dmt experience. It is about the state of the dmt and how it relates to the experience. Has anyone tried dmt HCL? versus freebase dmt? Is there any difference in affect? I ask because right before Part III in [i:9aed78f09c]the spirit molecule[/i:9aed78f09c] there is something that says...it is a salt not freebase, in response to a confusion that led them to believe their dmt had degraded 30 percent in a solution of salt water. The study used iv dosing so that would make sense that they would want dmt HCL as it would break down in water and easily pass through the blood stream. Would freebase dmt not work the same way and is it only meant for smoking? Has anyone injected dmt in either state and was there any difference in experience? ive only seen a couple teks that even mention dmt HCL or that it could be in a salt form at all... Could anybody explain this to me? Thank you.
As far as i know, there's no easy way to extract the salt, or convert freebase to salt. So unless you're a chemist, or know one, you're pretty much stuck with the freebase. This is unfortunate, because i would love to IV DMT, but alas freebase can only be smoked or eaten. Someone else can explain why the freebase can be eaten (HCI in your stomach?), but can't be made into a salt just as easily. [quote:323e7abb1d]The universe just had to have us so it could see itself.[/quote:323e7abb1d] UniverSoooo vain It probably thinks this song is about it UniverSoooo vain I bet it thinks this song is about it Don't it? Don't it? That was to the tune of "You're So Vain" in case anyone couldn't tell.
Pretty much the only reliably stable salt form of DMT is the fumurate salt, which ya ain't gettin unless you have mad chemistry skills and lab equipment. Just to clarify... the base can be smoked, it can be eaten with effect after your monoamine oxidase is sufficiently inhibited, and it can also be insufflated.
:( awww....ok :( well swim is 10 years from being able to pull that off, but thanks for clearing that up. She doesn't have mad skills, but she could start with some lab equipment...😉 I think she can handle the equipment but anhydrous ether kept below freezing and all kinda shit is really out there and sounds pretty fucking dangerous. :idea: Shell just keep it liquids and solids for now, less chance of burning her face off. So to get her more familiar with the equipment any ideas what you could do with a distillation/condenser setup, buchner funnel, or a soxhlet extractor like this one Soxhlet extractor - Wikipedia you can get those parts on ebay for like 300 400 dollars. I guess if all she can work with is freebase for now might as well do it right and get a handle on the right equipment. any other info on purifying the solvent i guess is what she is looking for but ill make another post in teks for specifics about lab equipment maybe throw a reply that way if you got a minute, thanks.
There are threads on Mycotopia and thenook where a [i:29fa2b0d51]skilled[/i:29fa2b0d51] kitchen chemist sucessfully produced and iv'd the Hcl.Not something to blunder around with, obviously, but using nothing more than the equipment and skills you will see discussed here :D
[quote:c8594a1bea="zero"]Pretty much the only reliably stable salt form of DMT is the fumurate salt, which ya ain't gettin unless you have mad chemistry skills and lab equipment. Just to clarify... the salt can be smoked, it can be eaten with effect after your monoamine oxidase is sufficiently inhibited, and it can also be insufflated.[/quote:c8594a1bea] Yah, Strassman used fumerate. DMT HCl is easy enough to make a solution of (cover freebase with DH2O, add HCl drop by drop until the DMT dissolves), its getting a dry powder that one could insulfate thats hard and thats what people are usually after rather than IV. I sure wouldn't IV anything that my Antarctican friend is capable of producing though. Breakstuff, what plant is your friend working with and what form are they trying to end up with? The basic differences between the salt and the freebase is that the salt is water soluable thus lending itself to IV and insulfation but has a much higher vaporization point so is difficult, though possible, to smoke. Freebase is insoluable in water and vaporizes at a much lower temperature and so is smoked. Oral DMT becomes DMT HCl, whatever its previous form, once its swallowed. Differences in effect are hard to judge since the admistration differs so much.
[quote:994ffaa63d="Noman"] Breakstuff, what plant is your friend working with and what form are they trying to end up with? [/quote:994ffaa63d] mhrb and salt, but if the freebase form is REALLY valid theres no point in fixing what isnt broken. I just have doubts that the freebase form will work how people say it does. Akin to how some describe dxm as some kind of plateau 99 and a half experience...when really it just makes you want to throw up. But I know it is real, if not, nobody here would bother wasting their time to help me learn. So I do apologize for having such an attitude in the face of unquestioning guidance and support. I thought that there had to be something more to get this to work, and i thought that hidden truth may be in the salt/freebase state of the dmt. But really Ive just seen that I am arrogant and skeptical and not until I finish this will I be able to understand. So Im sorry for being so faithless. No matter which state it is in she just wants it to be real. She is a Virgo and it has always been in her nature to help people and to be a servant to a higher cause. I have started to think that this is part of her purpose. That she can be a healer to some people and offer guidance through this experience. Is it foolish to assume anyone could do something so great for people when they are just lowlife drug addicts? I think so. How could you expect to help someone overcome their fears, or take new perspective to the universe when you are a person of poor demoralized character? That is the battle of our minds right now. But we know that she can only win this war with her heart, it is not a problem that logic can conquer. Grandeur and shallowness are the follies of many great kings, but she only needs the resolve of 1 wise man. The will to be dedicated and the courage to stand up for justice. In reflection this is a blessing she wrote to those who receive the experience. I hope you like it. May the sky of those i touch be clearer, But the rain that falls upon them bring renewal. May the path they choose lead them to the heavens, And their wonder be the torch to light the way.
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