Ok well swim has been looking for a place with any info on the teks for making spice which lead swim here and after swim's first some what hap hazard extraction, which left swim with some form of crude spice, swim has been able to perfect the teks to purer spice. Although the spice is still not as pure as swim would like, swim has been doing alot of dreaming of spice and has had alot of eye opening experiences. Swim has recently had dreams were swim meets up with what he can only describe as a female spirit which seems to be of a blue essence this some what got the interests up even more in spice(not in any other way that this is the first spirit that seemed different then all the rest). From there on in swim has been getting deaper and deaper into the dreams and would seem that less spice is been used to get there. Swim i suppose now is looking for any advice as such as swim has notice that a dieta is been felt that swim follows for the dreams and is wondering if any others have had this. This dieta is pritty much the same as an aya dieta and swim has notice that the spirit can be some what jelious if you can call it that, if swim does not follow in some parts of the dieta. Swim only says this as the most recent dream of spice, swim had a some what difficult experience (to put it lightly) were he was left on his own in the space and left with the feeling of doing some thing wrong and becoming outcast(swim has almost always had the feeling that he has been welcomed in to the space). Suppose that well there is a simple answer to it and that is to follow the dieta but he is wondering if anyone has had any dreams like this as swim has read alot of the post and not found any ones were there is a dieta for the spice. Well swim will post more of the dreams swim has and will see were swim goes. Swim just hopes he has not done something to wrong that he will not be welcomed back to the spice space. Any one out there with any similary dreams pls post and let swim know.
When will we wake from the dream