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Is there a major difference between P. Cubensis and Acacia Confusa


Esteemed member

A while ago I posted a question about myself, having a peculiar tolerance for P. Cubensis. Although I used to get effects from it, in the last 7 years or so, I haven’t felt much. I experience slight energy sensations or some anxiety during the come-up, but the typical shroom consciousness alteration is notably absent. However, a few years ago, I did experience the typical shrooms feeling with 2 grams of raw dry powdered McKenaii. I replicated that dosage, even from the same batch, but to no avail. I do not consume shrooms frequently, sometimes waiting years before trying them again. I usually stick to using Harmala brews only.

I remember that when I take oral DMT, I do get effects. I usually use Harmala seeds with Chaliponga/Diplopterys cabrerana or Acacia confusa. However, I read an article by a Shaman who said that making your own Ayahuasca brews can be detrimental, as you can make yourself permanently sick. I believe he was referring to energetic sickness rather than physical sickness, as Ayahuasca brews tend to open up the energetic system. I have not observed this issue with Harmala and shrooms combinations.

It is frustrating that I do not experience anything from shrooms right now. In the past, during my beginning phase with entheogens, I did get effects from 5-gram shrooms. I going to fast for a day and then take the mushies maybe that will help, idk at this point.
Shaman who said that making your own Ayahuasca brews can be detrimental,
I wouldn’t worry about that. A curandero would say that, and probably believes it.

You have to understand for them its a sort of religion. They also fight each other with invisible darts….

And technically it isn’t ayahuasca if you stick with Rue and ACRB/ MHRB etc. or just go full pharma if your worried.

Done many healing solo sessions. Just be careful and test your brews. Even 1-3g can be strong if cooked well

- brew sizable batch and test strength
- then you have consistent dosing available
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