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Is this bunk vine?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey guys, would appreciate some input on the following-

I have some white vine from a reputable vendor. A vendor I have ordered from many times before of other different vines and it's always been good. I extract using the method in the wiki and it works well every time.

On this particular vine I got nothing, literally zero came out during extraction. I did a second extraction just to be sure and got zero again. I was baffled as this has never happened before. I'm speaking to the vendor who says they've sold a load of this vine and not had 1 complaint. They are very reasonable and have offered to replace it and are just as baffled as I am.

My question is this. Does the fact that it has no extractable goodies mean that it's bunk if I was to brew it up and drink it as opposed to doing an extraction? It makes sense that if there's no alkaloids in there then it would have no effect but I don't know that for sure. Sorry if this seems a stupid question but if this same batch of vine is being used in lots of different aya brews with no problem then how can it be that I can't extract anything from it?
I’ve tried 2 batches of caapi in my life and neither worked (they were from the same place). I may have screwed up but I doubt it. I just decided to only get whole vine if I ever tried again. Has anyone ever heard of whole vine being dud or just shredded?
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