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is used lab glassware are food-safe?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
hi nexians!
swim want to know if he's used glassware can be used for making tincture and even and eyes medicine(sananga), the eye is very delicate mucus so all precotion that one's can do is a must.
and if its dont food-safe, is there a ways to make sure it can be food-safe? special washing, cleaning with specific chems and so forth..
Thank you very much guys!
Of course it depends on what it was used for.

At least if you can be safe that it was only used for food chemistry stuff, then why bother.

Otherwise: Flushing your stuff with konz. HCl / MeOH / DMSO / Ether should remove all that stuff nevertheless, regardless of maybe so little amounts that it would never matter.

But it may be a much more positive feeling if you knew that you wont even incorporate 1 single possible bad molecule ...

But if you would cook your stuff at high T in a row of nice solvents, then if this will not remove even the smallest amount, then your average lab stuff would not remove it either - so that would be safe again.

But again: Maybe it's just a better feeling of knowing you are tidy ;D
the glassware has used for extractions, acids bases non-polar from all kinds..
have swiy ever try sananga?? its burn your eyes as hell when its made food-safe so you dont try it if there also chem's involved, espasially when its for the eyes, a very delicate mucus that CAN GO BLIND IF TOUCHED STRONG ACID/BASE.

what about making herbal mix tincture to cancer patient with weak immune system? its really needs to be ok and not having chems inside.

so for all that i wrote, you say swim can do hcl flush and do hot solvent wash?
If the Lab stuff was only used for Acid / Base extractions / chemistry, then washing it with water will clean it anyways. You can also throw in a buffer system to make sure that the pH is not changing 100% by anything which you throw in there.

BUT if you already cannot see any solids, then it is absolutely safe that there is no *remainder* of any acid/base stuff. I was more thinking about

*what if hyper toxic stuff was prepared in this glass ware like this* or stuff like this.

When even 0,01 mg should be avoided.

But if there is a leftover of 0,01 mg NaOH I am pretty sure if this was dissolved in 50 ml water and you would get 1 eye drop of it, this will not harm at all.

But still: if there WOULD be remainings of acidic / basic stuff you could wash it with water. If there were organics you could wash them off with Acetone or Naphtha (or Ether / DCM).

So if you cannot SEE anything remaining in it after washing and there was not stuff like from that link prepared in that glass ware, then the only thing remaining WOULD be the feeling that the glass ware is not completely new, but not an actual health risk I think.

Or let's say it like this:

If you cook your stuff really hard with good solvents in a row (hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, methanol, acetone, ether, naphtha) for like 1 h, then anything that WOULD still be sticking to the glass would also never go off upon regular use. Even if you cannot even see anything by eye.

But again: if you are unsafe then still buying new stuff deletes that fear ;D
thank you for the post man!
ok so the stuff swim used in the glassware is:
Hcl, actate, sodium+calcium+potassium Hydroxide, aceton, ipa, mek, dcm, heptane, hexane, p.ether, s.carbonate, touloene, spice and everything nice :)

so regard the toxicity, basiclly dcm mek and the petrols are the most toxic probebly.

boil solvents like methanol and hcl in a beaker for an hour isn't sound like good idea...

of course one's can buy new glassware but swim want to expand his knowlage of solvent and glass interaction
Submergin labware in KOH/NaOH + ethanol will clean of anything that can stick to glass.

It will etch off the outermost layer so do be careful with it and dont let the glass soak forever or you will break it.

But for your case i think its enough to just wash it with some solvent like acetone or ethanol then clean it with water, then with some strong acid (HCl).

Ofc soap at the very end to get any other grime off. Ofc you should brush away at the glass using a sponge or a brush (For glassware)

Also letting it dry fully is a good idea because you will remove all the solvents by just letting them evap.
This is the proper procedure:


Always rinse the glassware with distilled or deionized water after washing with detergent, to remove traces of water-soluble salts.

But if you can, use separate glassware for the "food safe stuff" and for the "chemical stuff".

In practice, you should be okay unless you work with really nasty chemicals (like mercury salts) and as long as you thorougly wash and rinse the glassware.

As said, use alcoholic KOH/NaOH or other aggressive solution (some even use Piranha) to remove last traces of organic impurities. There are other cleaning solutions used in chemistry, but that depends on what kind of dirt is expected.

Little story:

I have one did a cactus extraction in a round bottom flask, getting a really nasty residue that resisted even alcoholic KOH.

I then used warm/hot Piranha solution trying to clean it (dangerous!) and some of it peeled off and dissolved but a little still remained. I used the flask many times for all sorts of reactions without problem, but the black carbonized residue is still there - I have absolutely no idea what that is - maybe I made an Adamantium oxide 😁
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