Rising Star
So lately I've been learning about Islam from a spiritual perspective, as relating to the self. I know a girl in Pakistan and a dude in the UK, who are both spiritual awakened and Muslim, and through them teaching and guiding me, I've leaned that Islam seems to be highly evolved in these matters. The ideas of the ego, higher self and lower self, the true self are quite remarkable. Some of the things in the Quran and Hadith, as well as commentaries on them, are like reading alchemical writings. Once again, this seems to confirm that all of these religions are based on the same thing, the transformation of the self, even if the mainstream of the three monotheistic faiths has become ego dominated and drifted from their original intent. But I'm very fascinated by the focus on self transformation in Islam, and the teachings on ego and how to transcend it (jihad al nafs). And btw, it doesn't seem to be only Sufis who are so mystical about it, but Islam in general seems to be much more inner self directed than anything I ever learned growing up going to church and catholic school, even if many Muslims have lost the original intent. In fact a lot of the jihad talk in the Quran seems to be about inner struggle, as opposed to outward war, although that's included as well, but reguardless, it seems to me, from what I've learned so far, that one would complete the inner transformation before considering fighting any sort of war in the outer would. It's really fascinating to me. And btw, I share a deep connection with the girl in Pakistan, and we have similar, almost exactly the same kinds of experiences concerning our inner worlds, both of our kundalini is alive, and I found it fascinating that she is able to square such experiences with a religion that seems so ridged to an outsider, but once again, life surprises, and once again demonstrates the fact that all is one thing.
Here's an interesting article
Here's an interesting article