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Isolation of DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and 5-HO-DMT by sublimation?

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Rising Star
Isolation of DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, and 5-HO-DMT by sublimation

Ok, so I’ve read that DMT can be sublimed to isolate it during synthesis. However, the amount of vacuum and temperature needed what not stated. I also read on another forum that someone extract DMT by direct sublimation (whatever that means).

Does anyone know how to sublime DMT? What temperature and how much vacuum is needed for this?

I’d also like to know this information for 5-MeO-DMT as well as 5-HO-DMT, if anyone knows. They should sublime at very different temperatures, if they sublime at all in vacuum, so it could be a great way to separate them.

Is there a way to roughly predict the sublimation temperature/vacuum requirements for a given compound?

Also, if sublimation is not practical, what about distillation? Can DMT actually be distilled and if so how would it be done?
Hi 69ron
to calculate the bp of a substance under vacuum, you can use a nomograph.

to calculate the strength of your vacuum (if you don't have a manometer) observe the temperature that you are able to boil water at under vacuum. Let say it boils at 20°C under you vacuum. You would plot a line from 20°C on the far left axis through 100°C in the middle axis and wherever that same line intersected the far right axis would be the amount of vacuum you are pulling. See line A

Once you know how strong your vacuum is and you know the boiling point of your substance at 760 torr (atmospheric pressure) you can plot the line in reverse to see the temperature your substance can be expected to become vapour under the amount of vacuum you are pulling.

The only references for the boiling point of dmt sister could find were on wikipedia. reference #1 says dmt boiling point is 160°C at 0.6 torr , so we plot a line from 0.6 in the right axis to 160 on the left axis which implies dmt boiling point at 760 torr is approx 380°C.

the second reference 2 on wikipedia states the BP at 80-135 @ 0.03 torr which imply a BP between 300 and 400°C.

So let us assume the 1st erference is correct and it has a BP of 380°C at 760torr. If we are using a vacuum that boils water at 20°C it is pulling 30torr. See line B So we plot a line on the right axis from 30 torr through 380°C on the center axis which should give dmt a boiling point of approx 250°C under 30torr of vacuum.

Most vacuums fluctuate a bit from day to day depending on how well you seal the joints of your glass ware, but this should give you and idea what temperature to expect your dmt to sublime or distill over at.


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