Rising Star
Hi everyone! My name is irrelevant, I am 21 years old, and as the title reads, I cannot believe I am here. I respect and love each and everyone of you. This is a milestone for me. I have spent months reading here. My eyes opening wide, my jaw dropping, PM hours turning into AM. What is time anyways? Who gives a shiet? Everything I ever felt, knew, perceived, sensed as a child - it's real. I am back. I awakened. I enlightened.. And I have not even reached full throttle yet. Possibilites are endless, matters in my own hands for the first time ever. It's exhausting in the best way possible.. The cube I saw in my mind, the colors, the fractals, the weird place I naturally went to in my head before nighttime as a little girl. These things weren't to be ignored. They were meant to be experienced, and years later I would read about DMT and the dots would connect. I remember these shapes, this cube, these holograms. They are real, they are significant, and in them lies answers. It's what we are. The catch: I have yet to try DMT.
I was never a set mind, always evolving, adapting, learning, scanning, observing, participating only when it was right, shifting, feeling, thinking, fantasizing, dreaming, present but consistently somewhere else. I was different. That's all there is to it. I am not the masses.
I emotionally died for a little but the beautiful beast is alive. It's a miracle. I made it out alive. I was constrained, I was killed. Killed by teachers, by peers, by jealous beings, by greedy beings, by evil, by a selfish and blind lover, by myself, by situations. Being young, deep, truly sensitive, you don't always understand, you assume you're wrong... You know you're a different breed but you take the easy way out. You assimilate, you stoop with negativity, you stoop with what stops feeding the twinkle in your eye and eventually you lose yourself. I lost it for some while, I figured a part of me had died and it would never be reignited. I accepted 'adulthood' and bummed about it. As much as I was NEVER one to settle, I thought this was how it had to be.
I am out of that and can only encourage every other person in the same boat who strives for something more to accept that it's there. Find it, never settle. I don't direct that towards anyone on this forum, just in general.
She's still young, and more capable than ever. She's here. This is the biggest gift I have ever received, the gift of enlightenment, and prior to that, the gift of life and the gift of THIS happening in my mind. It's truly inexplicable but again, I know if anyone gets it, it's you. I got here all by myself with the help of........the external forces that work with me? When I say external forces I still mean in my mind. But there's something in that mind of mine, and in the mind of yours that we have access to tap into. I did it. Levels of consciousness. Everybody seeks everything in the exterior world. It starts from within. All answers lie within. This is nothing I can convince the majority about. I remain quiet. You either have this or you don't and I can pick you out in the crowd like a bloodhound on the scent.
Positive thinking is real, it's as if 'they' or 'it' listens when you fuel it in the right way, you cooperate with 'it', 'it' cooperates with you. I suddenly understand manifesting reality. Again, as a kid, when my sensitivity as a human being was in it's prime and I hadn't died yet, these things worked. But they couldn't be real? I was too young to understand. It was shocking when the things I wanted to happen would occur. A mere coincidence? No. That sensitivity is back. The transformation is still occurring, I am a different being. No one can take this away from me. Ever.
Quantum physics.
I consider myself a chosen one, not an ordinary person. There is nothing wrong with being ordinary. There is nothing wrong with being this. It's hard being this sometimes, I used to wish I was 'normal' when I was too young to know what was going on. Experiencing the highest of highs, and lowest of lows, being 100,000 people in 1. Realizing abilities. Knowing you can literally be anything. Knowing that you'll one day experience a love so strong you'll drop to your knees. The same love that can kill you.
Truly. Truly. It get's difficult. I always viewed it as a blessing and a curse, but life is different now. I have cancelled out the word curse. I am using everything to an advantage because the choice is there. You have control. Bliss can exist, curse does not have to. You can remain up as long as you allow yourself to.
The pressure from others to pick my path. Leave me alone, you know 16% of the 4D figure in front of you and I already read deeply into your chapters and closed the book because it is boring and predictable. That was negativity. That was a part of me I am trying to cancel. Seeing some this way. The biggest mistake I will make in realizing what I have is isolating myself because of it. I must still assimilate with others, everyone, anyone, said a famous teacher from his book of teachings.
Naturally, before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment - chop wood carry water. Well shit, chopping wood and carrying water just got a hell of a lot more interesting.
Looking back at the past now - it ALL makes sense. Memories I forgot about flow into my brain on the daily now, significant ones, meaningful ones, ones that aid in me piecing together this puzzle piece, this mystery. About three months ago I was in my marijuana world, my inclination was to open up a word document and title it The Beginning 3. I have documented this entire process, 70 pages deep and it only goes up from here. It has been me and weed lately.
There are people just like me. They've been to the other side... You guys! A journey I am ever so anxiously anticipating. An idiot I will not be. The universe already presented me this drug. I am shocked within that itself. Offered by a trusted person and "don't worry about the cost dude". Literally in my face on a silver platter. I didn't go looking for it, it found me a few months ago and boy did it tempt me. It's comical, as a kid, "I am not going to drink until I am at least 18! and I will not try marijuana! It's bad for the brain. And wow, other drugs... are people dumb? Poison!" Boy how things changed fast, and boy how glad I am I broke free of the confinements that would have led me to an outcome and a road I clearly wasn't supposed to go down.
Joining this forum is the cherry on top. Actually not even, joining this forum is a door that opened. A door to a community of people I know "understand". They "get it". The conversations I always yearned for as a little girl with people who didn't care enough.... I'm now in a place I belong. I cannot wait to soon share my experience after I indulge in the spice. And until then educate myself, read, read, read, be inspired, ANSWERS, join all you brilliant people.
Pouring water and drinking it is interesting for me. I have chosen to savor just about every single thing in life. I get on my bike and ride to the woods, I watch the fishermen in their element and ponder life, the scene soothes me. I establish mutual peace with them just by eye contact. Would love a conversation with them soon, will inspire my work. The branch touches my leg and I tear. Connected. At home. Amongst the beautiful earth. And then to geographically think of a map, and the places, terrain, and the beauty of places I haven't been yet but will experience some day. Is this real??? I am in heaven already. What happens after is even more divine.
I cry and laugh on my bike rides lately, I look around and gasp and go "no way. wow. no way. this is happening. what? wow. i know what to do now" MY VISION. MY SENSES. I see. I smell. My hands. I am cycling. This machine of a body, I fuel it and out comes results. I feed it well and out comes results. I say fuck alcohol, and reduce poisons going inside and out comes results. I train my mind and out comes results. My legs are long, my skin is tan, my arms are strong, my hair is long. I am creature. I feel beautiful as a whole. Once again, no one can take this from me. Fuck my name, fuck my age, fuck labels, strip me at a bare minimum and I am the most beautiful thing. We all are.
Life. Nature. People. Existence. We are not trees that are swaying in the wind, we are not the cabinets that make up the kitchens in this earth, or a cliff. You are human and able to grasp ALL OF THIS in it's entirety. This is what I sometimes mean by ordinary people. It creates a barrier between them and I when a majority cannot 'see' what I 'see'. Again, no way is right, no way is wrong. Just different. That's me being polite. I love this way. Hahaha. I am so fortunate. I. I. I. I. I know I keep saying I. Sorry. All humans were chosen one's, big ups to those who realize, makes a massive difference.
My brain is able to have psychedelic experiences with marijuana. it's able to have mild psychedelic experiences naked, without it..And yes, I am fully aware that weed is just scratching the surface. How exhilarating. I owe myself for everything that is happening inside, and I am so thankful of me. But I would not have gotten here without weed and that's fact. Also without you guys and some more I will not bore you with....SO many factors got me exactly where I am supposed to be. Weed unlocked parts of my brain, lubricated the shit out of it. Now DMT?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I cannot fathom what it will do to me, except I can and it will be brilliant. I wasn't ready to take it the moment I was offered it. I would say I am ready now, but the issue is do I want to now? This experience will be the most important of my life. Do I want to use it now? I see this as a tool too. It's a tool, a present from the universe, a gift to add on to the gift that I became. A person. A being. Most of all, a gift and tool to use wisely.
Drugs are tools, everything in life is a tool. I have love for everyone I will interact with on this forum, but you guys also are tools. Tools to learn from, teachers. I might be getting over-emotional for my first post but I need to add this. This is incredible, this is the sharing of information that used to take place back in the day in tightly-knit tribes or what have you. All of a sudden, with the help of the internet. Look at what's happening. From all over the world. We are connected. This isn't a dishwasher fixing forum, or an ADD forum that I used to be on, this is truth. This is DMT. *INSERT INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC HERE* This is the step to answers. I will meet with some of you one day I am certain of that. It makes me shudder. It makes me sweat. It fires neurons in my bodies> We will do things in this lifetime. Collaborate. Work together. Share glances from one set of eyes to another. The start of something so beautiful. Life. Capturing it. Spreading it. People.
I know the intentions of most people (I cannot say all until I experience it for myself) on here are good. My intentions are the same. It is the first time I join a community, a group, a whatever on the internet where I know bull shit does not reside. I am amongst Gods in this forums. A place to unleash everything I ever kept close and dear to me. Thanks for reading friends.
I was never a set mind, always evolving, adapting, learning, scanning, observing, participating only when it was right, shifting, feeling, thinking, fantasizing, dreaming, present but consistently somewhere else. I was different. That's all there is to it. I am not the masses.
I emotionally died for a little but the beautiful beast is alive. It's a miracle. I made it out alive. I was constrained, I was killed. Killed by teachers, by peers, by jealous beings, by greedy beings, by evil, by a selfish and blind lover, by myself, by situations. Being young, deep, truly sensitive, you don't always understand, you assume you're wrong... You know you're a different breed but you take the easy way out. You assimilate, you stoop with negativity, you stoop with what stops feeding the twinkle in your eye and eventually you lose yourself. I lost it for some while, I figured a part of me had died and it would never be reignited. I accepted 'adulthood' and bummed about it. As much as I was NEVER one to settle, I thought this was how it had to be.
I am out of that and can only encourage every other person in the same boat who strives for something more to accept that it's there. Find it, never settle. I don't direct that towards anyone on this forum, just in general.
She's still young, and more capable than ever. She's here. This is the biggest gift I have ever received, the gift of enlightenment, and prior to that, the gift of life and the gift of THIS happening in my mind. It's truly inexplicable but again, I know if anyone gets it, it's you. I got here all by myself with the help of........the external forces that work with me? When I say external forces I still mean in my mind. But there's something in that mind of mine, and in the mind of yours that we have access to tap into. I did it. Levels of consciousness. Everybody seeks everything in the exterior world. It starts from within. All answers lie within. This is nothing I can convince the majority about. I remain quiet. You either have this or you don't and I can pick you out in the crowd like a bloodhound on the scent.
Positive thinking is real, it's as if 'they' or 'it' listens when you fuel it in the right way, you cooperate with 'it', 'it' cooperates with you. I suddenly understand manifesting reality. Again, as a kid, when my sensitivity as a human being was in it's prime and I hadn't died yet, these things worked. But they couldn't be real? I was too young to understand. It was shocking when the things I wanted to happen would occur. A mere coincidence? No. That sensitivity is back. The transformation is still occurring, I am a different being. No one can take this away from me. Ever.
Quantum physics.
I consider myself a chosen one, not an ordinary person. There is nothing wrong with being ordinary. There is nothing wrong with being this. It's hard being this sometimes, I used to wish I was 'normal' when I was too young to know what was going on. Experiencing the highest of highs, and lowest of lows, being 100,000 people in 1. Realizing abilities. Knowing you can literally be anything. Knowing that you'll one day experience a love so strong you'll drop to your knees. The same love that can kill you.
Truly. Truly. It get's difficult. I always viewed it as a blessing and a curse, but life is different now. I have cancelled out the word curse. I am using everything to an advantage because the choice is there. You have control. Bliss can exist, curse does not have to. You can remain up as long as you allow yourself to.
The pressure from others to pick my path. Leave me alone, you know 16% of the 4D figure in front of you and I already read deeply into your chapters and closed the book because it is boring and predictable. That was negativity. That was a part of me I am trying to cancel. Seeing some this way. The biggest mistake I will make in realizing what I have is isolating myself because of it. I must still assimilate with others, everyone, anyone, said a famous teacher from his book of teachings.
Naturally, before enlightenment chop wood carry water, after enlightenment - chop wood carry water. Well shit, chopping wood and carrying water just got a hell of a lot more interesting.
Looking back at the past now - it ALL makes sense. Memories I forgot about flow into my brain on the daily now, significant ones, meaningful ones, ones that aid in me piecing together this puzzle piece, this mystery. About three months ago I was in my marijuana world, my inclination was to open up a word document and title it The Beginning 3. I have documented this entire process, 70 pages deep and it only goes up from here. It has been me and weed lately.
There are people just like me. They've been to the other side... You guys! A journey I am ever so anxiously anticipating. An idiot I will not be. The universe already presented me this drug. I am shocked within that itself. Offered by a trusted person and "don't worry about the cost dude". Literally in my face on a silver platter. I didn't go looking for it, it found me a few months ago and boy did it tempt me. It's comical, as a kid, "I am not going to drink until I am at least 18! and I will not try marijuana! It's bad for the brain. And wow, other drugs... are people dumb? Poison!" Boy how things changed fast, and boy how glad I am I broke free of the confinements that would have led me to an outcome and a road I clearly wasn't supposed to go down.
Joining this forum is the cherry on top. Actually not even, joining this forum is a door that opened. A door to a community of people I know "understand". They "get it". The conversations I always yearned for as a little girl with people who didn't care enough.... I'm now in a place I belong. I cannot wait to soon share my experience after I indulge in the spice. And until then educate myself, read, read, read, be inspired, ANSWERS, join all you brilliant people.
Pouring water and drinking it is interesting for me. I have chosen to savor just about every single thing in life. I get on my bike and ride to the woods, I watch the fishermen in their element and ponder life, the scene soothes me. I establish mutual peace with them just by eye contact. Would love a conversation with them soon, will inspire my work. The branch touches my leg and I tear. Connected. At home. Amongst the beautiful earth. And then to geographically think of a map, and the places, terrain, and the beauty of places I haven't been yet but will experience some day. Is this real??? I am in heaven already. What happens after is even more divine.
I cry and laugh on my bike rides lately, I look around and gasp and go "no way. wow. no way. this is happening. what? wow. i know what to do now" MY VISION. MY SENSES. I see. I smell. My hands. I am cycling. This machine of a body, I fuel it and out comes results. I feed it well and out comes results. I say fuck alcohol, and reduce poisons going inside and out comes results. I train my mind and out comes results. My legs are long, my skin is tan, my arms are strong, my hair is long. I am creature. I feel beautiful as a whole. Once again, no one can take this from me. Fuck my name, fuck my age, fuck labels, strip me at a bare minimum and I am the most beautiful thing. We all are.
Life. Nature. People. Existence. We are not trees that are swaying in the wind, we are not the cabinets that make up the kitchens in this earth, or a cliff. You are human and able to grasp ALL OF THIS in it's entirety. This is what I sometimes mean by ordinary people. It creates a barrier between them and I when a majority cannot 'see' what I 'see'. Again, no way is right, no way is wrong. Just different. That's me being polite. I love this way. Hahaha. I am so fortunate. I. I. I. I. I know I keep saying I. Sorry. All humans were chosen one's, big ups to those who realize, makes a massive difference.
My brain is able to have psychedelic experiences with marijuana. it's able to have mild psychedelic experiences naked, without it..And yes, I am fully aware that weed is just scratching the surface. How exhilarating. I owe myself for everything that is happening inside, and I am so thankful of me. But I would not have gotten here without weed and that's fact. Also without you guys and some more I will not bore you with....SO many factors got me exactly where I am supposed to be. Weed unlocked parts of my brain, lubricated the shit out of it. Now DMT?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I cannot fathom what it will do to me, except I can and it will be brilliant. I wasn't ready to take it the moment I was offered it. I would say I am ready now, but the issue is do I want to now? This experience will be the most important of my life. Do I want to use it now? I see this as a tool too. It's a tool, a present from the universe, a gift to add on to the gift that I became. A person. A being. Most of all, a gift and tool to use wisely.
Drugs are tools, everything in life is a tool. I have love for everyone I will interact with on this forum, but you guys also are tools. Tools to learn from, teachers. I might be getting over-emotional for my first post but I need to add this. This is incredible, this is the sharing of information that used to take place back in the day in tightly-knit tribes or what have you. All of a sudden, with the help of the internet. Look at what's happening. From all over the world. We are connected. This isn't a dishwasher fixing forum, or an ADD forum that I used to be on, this is truth. This is DMT. *INSERT INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC HERE* This is the step to answers. I will meet with some of you one day I am certain of that. It makes me shudder. It makes me sweat. It fires neurons in my bodies> We will do things in this lifetime. Collaborate. Work together. Share glances from one set of eyes to another. The start of something so beautiful. Life. Capturing it. Spreading it. People.
I know the intentions of most people (I cannot say all until I experience it for myself) on here are good. My intentions are the same. It is the first time I join a community, a group, a whatever on the internet where I know bull shit does not reside. I am amongst Gods in this forums. A place to unleash everything I ever kept close and dear to me. Thanks for reading friends.