Rising Star
Some one I know once told me the following story:
"I'm older. In a few days, I'll have been on this planet 38 orbits. I've had a 'typical' drug history. "Everything but the needle" as they say. Some on this forum might find that disagreeable. The likes of cocaine and alcohol I would agree do not offer access to 'other' realms but sometimes they are enough to get a suffering ego through a painful night. Psychedelics were my first friends however.
I distinctly remember that night in 1990, wow, so long ago, back there in time, when I first tasted psilocybe semilanceata (they grew naturally in the town of my birth in Ireland). Myself and five friends had walked by moonlight 4 miles in the dark to a farmers field where we had it on good suthority (my girlfriend's sister) that the magic mushrooms grew there. She, being prone to hyperbole and exaggeration, was not the most reliable witness, but in our need for psychedelia, we wanted to believe. And besides, when we got there and searched the field (3 fields down from the crossroads on the left), it was indeed filled with shrooms. We filled five plastic bags.
We got back into town and dchewed down 30 each without vomiting. It was like eating potting soil. But it would be worth it. We waited. This was at 9AM. That's how eager we were, being what I see now as dumb kids 18 and 19 years old.
We waited more.
No hit. Nothing.
An hour later a mate called around to check on us (our hash dealer), took a gawk at our product and declared our mushrooms bunk. Total shit. All that horrible chewing was for nothing. We'd ate some random mushroom (fortunately harmless) but not magic.
We were of course later on directed to the mystic field by a more reliable witness. Our hash dealer. He brought us to a field and literally pointed out the Liberty Caps to us and then stomped off in a huff. He kind of felt sorry for us and was angry at himself for feeling such. Anyway, with the correct template now ascertained, the five of us gathered up the proper product from some farmer's field.
Needless to say, later that night, dropping shrooms proved far more eventful.
And everything changed.
I distinctly remember that night, almost twenty years ago now. Walking down the street of my hometown, coming up on pscilocybin, yes there was euphoria, yes there was joy, but soon that morphed into something more, deeper, bordering on the infinite. Things broke down ...obviously. We found ourselves in a park under 200 year old oak trees. I was euphoric no more. Instead I was just BEING. The world had fallen away. I remember wondering if this was 'supposed' to be a 'fun' experience (what is fun?) I remember all the time leading up this as having the purpose of laughter or 'recreation'. But this was far beyond mere recreation. This was existence itself so common and known to me that I'd forgotten how to recognize it in everyday life. Constant exposure to BEING had obscured its very presence to me for all my life. This was the single, defining moment of that night that has stayed with me to this day.
The idea that a psychedelic experience could show me that which is hidden before my eyes.
And perhaps that is why I feel the call and come on this forum. I want to revisit that realm. It's been 16 years since I dropped a mushroom, 9 since I sampled MDMA, 3 years since I tasted coke. Alcohol is a fickle but constant friend. I spent a lot of years being 'successful' in life and making money but that somehow doesn't fill the emptiness.
I dare to work out a tentative rendezvous with a new friend.
I dare to sample the spice. Not for thrills or recreation. But to reboot my brain. To see the time that has passed and figure out what I should do next. It is with spiritual humbleness that I approach the spice. I have not done so yet and need advice on a 'tek'. I also need advice on setting and first contact. I admire your group here having read many posts before registering. I hope you will accept me into your community and look forward to fruitful correspondance."
I would be interested to know if anyone finds my friend's 'story' interesting...
"I'm older. In a few days, I'll have been on this planet 38 orbits. I've had a 'typical' drug history. "Everything but the needle" as they say. Some on this forum might find that disagreeable. The likes of cocaine and alcohol I would agree do not offer access to 'other' realms but sometimes they are enough to get a suffering ego through a painful night. Psychedelics were my first friends however.
I distinctly remember that night in 1990, wow, so long ago, back there in time, when I first tasted psilocybe semilanceata (they grew naturally in the town of my birth in Ireland). Myself and five friends had walked by moonlight 4 miles in the dark to a farmers field where we had it on good suthority (my girlfriend's sister) that the magic mushrooms grew there. She, being prone to hyperbole and exaggeration, was not the most reliable witness, but in our need for psychedelia, we wanted to believe. And besides, when we got there and searched the field (3 fields down from the crossroads on the left), it was indeed filled with shrooms. We filled five plastic bags.
We got back into town and dchewed down 30 each without vomiting. It was like eating potting soil. But it would be worth it. We waited. This was at 9AM. That's how eager we were, being what I see now as dumb kids 18 and 19 years old.
We waited more.
No hit. Nothing.
An hour later a mate called around to check on us (our hash dealer), took a gawk at our product and declared our mushrooms bunk. Total shit. All that horrible chewing was for nothing. We'd ate some random mushroom (fortunately harmless) but not magic.
We were of course later on directed to the mystic field by a more reliable witness. Our hash dealer. He brought us to a field and literally pointed out the Liberty Caps to us and then stomped off in a huff. He kind of felt sorry for us and was angry at himself for feeling such. Anyway, with the correct template now ascertained, the five of us gathered up the proper product from some farmer's field.
Needless to say, later that night, dropping shrooms proved far more eventful.
And everything changed.
I distinctly remember that night, almost twenty years ago now. Walking down the street of my hometown, coming up on pscilocybin, yes there was euphoria, yes there was joy, but soon that morphed into something more, deeper, bordering on the infinite. Things broke down ...obviously. We found ourselves in a park under 200 year old oak trees. I was euphoric no more. Instead I was just BEING. The world had fallen away. I remember wondering if this was 'supposed' to be a 'fun' experience (what is fun?) I remember all the time leading up this as having the purpose of laughter or 'recreation'. But this was far beyond mere recreation. This was existence itself so common and known to me that I'd forgotten how to recognize it in everyday life. Constant exposure to BEING had obscured its very presence to me for all my life. This was the single, defining moment of that night that has stayed with me to this day.
The idea that a psychedelic experience could show me that which is hidden before my eyes.
And perhaps that is why I feel the call and come on this forum. I want to revisit that realm. It's been 16 years since I dropped a mushroom, 9 since I sampled MDMA, 3 years since I tasted coke. Alcohol is a fickle but constant friend. I spent a lot of years being 'successful' in life and making money but that somehow doesn't fill the emptiness.
I dare to work out a tentative rendezvous with a new friend.
I dare to sample the spice. Not for thrills or recreation. But to reboot my brain. To see the time that has passed and figure out what I should do next. It is with spiritual humbleness that I approach the spice. I have not done so yet and need advice on a 'tek'. I also need advice on setting and first contact. I admire your group here having read many posts before registering. I hope you will accept me into your community and look forward to fruitful correspondance."
I would be interested to know if anyone finds my friend's 'story' interesting...