so its been a while since i've gone on a journey. I have had trouble breaking thru and ran out of goods.....or so i thought. Cleaning out my holding area i realized i had a packed bowl, so i went to my spot and smoked. Not expecting much, i got just the opposite. I cant even begin too descibe where i went, i can remember it but cant put it in words though. Though some cool parts of the trip were me seeing myselfs coming back, then realizing i was still gone and i was thinking about what it was going to be like when i come too. That happened 2 or 3 times. Then something told me to open my eyes, so i did. I laughed a little because when i opened my eyes, i realized they were closed but thought they were open the whole time. I saw very cool art within the bushes and trees. i saw very real ancient people hidding and then revieling themselves too me thru the bushes and brush. It gave me a feeling that we are not alone here and maybe our ancient anscestors never left. Then i was shown my energy. I looked at myself and saw my energy radiate and create my surrounding, then my surrounding created more energy that created what i saw off in the distance and so on. I've felt and seen the oneness and the universe is connected before, but not in this way. This was very different. Nothing was flat or stationary, everything was waves or bands of energy that flowed into something to create a greater more beautiful energy. Also, when i was whisked away to "that place" it was new but i felt like i had been there many times(maybe thats where i go when i cant remember my trips). The love i felt was amazing, so real! Just what i needed, I've been going thru it in a major way with my kids. One more thing during the trip i remember having this overwhelming feeling that whoever or whatever was there with me was telling me "soon" "we will be here soon" But it was peaceful. I wish i could descibe where i went, but i cant. When anybody gets there you'll see.