Rising Star
I bought some T. bridgesii and T. peruvians seeds, and to my delight I had my first sprouts (on my birthday, no less) :d . A few days later, and there's 21 of the little guys.
I've never grown anything from seed, and never grown cactus, so any advice is welcome. Right now there in a closet with a window and have just had natural light. Should I switch to a grow light, and when if they're too young now?
Also, does the middle one in the first pic look sunburned?
Thank you!
I've never grown anything from seed, and never grown cactus, so any advice is welcome. Right now there in a closet with a window and have just had natural light. Should I switch to a grow light, and when if they're too young now?
Also, does the middle one in the first pic look sunburned?
Thank you!