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Just another trip to hyperspace

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Just came back from Hyperspace about half an hour ago,and while there I was listening to Ayahuiasca by 1200 micrograms.It was a very bizzare journey where I was in a strange cartoonland and the entities were doing thier best to piss me off but they ended up getting pissed off at thier inability to piss me off.Next thing I know I'm in cellophane land and this gel is dripping all over the cellophane that's everywhere.Oh you gotta love spice.
Hey Quantum, Interesting trip. Was there any more details that you can remember from it? Like what the teasing beings looked like and what they were actually doing? I had saw a teasing being on Aya once and wasn't sure what it's deal was but it definetley looked weird and I wasn't sure if I was getting the joke either. :)
[quote:2b20843bf1="blackclo"]Hey Quantum, Interesting trip. Was there any more details that you can remember from it? Like what the teasing beings looked like and what they were actually doing? I had saw a teasing being on Aya once and wasn't sure what it's deal was but it definetley looked weird and I wasn't sure if I was getting the joke either. :)[/quote:2b20843bf1] To me these elves or entities usually look like round balls with eyes a little like the south park cartoons,but they don't walk.no legs,they just sort of float around.in thgis trip they kept coming up right to my face sometimes poking me with thier fingers sometimes making silly faces one inch from my face,but I kept on ignoring them and that seemed too piss them off.I could hear them swearing and then come back and try again and I just kept ignoring them.then they dissappeared and I was like inside a bottle (hard to explain) and there was these beings wrapped in cellophane with this gel dripping everywhere they appeared to be dead.sounds like a bad trip eh? but I actually like visiting these strange realms.I know it will be over in a few minutes and it's just a DMT trip.you gotta keep reminding yourself this every once in a while.but at the same time you have to let go and not fight it.When it gets too freaky I open my eyes and I'm no longer there. don't forget that I'm talking about smoked freebase DMT which is nothing like ayahuasca or even snorted DMT.Snorted or aya is more like a shroom trip.Nothing comes close to the freebase in intensity and wierdness.
Thanks for the details. It sounded like a strange experience. Do you get the little ball elves often on your trips or is it pretty random for the most part? I beleive you when you say smoked DMT is out of the ballpark compared to Aya and Mushrooms. I haven't smoked DMT yet but my Aya experiences probably give me a tiny slow-mo snippet of a smoked trip, then again probably not. ;)
ahhh..the elves. I found the little scallywags one of the werdest things of smoking DMT. They are hard to describe but blackcleo did it rather well. They are definatly not your friends. I feel they almost try and pervert you, and i am always a bit uncomfurtable when they try and communicate with me.. but I also belive they have nothing to say much..more just taunting.
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