Toxsin - don't drink it; it almost never works that way. A user that doesn't post here anymore got on a kick about how everyone should buy elemi oil and drink it to get high - surprise surprise a lot of people bought it and drank it and nothing happened, or they felt sick. What makes matters worse is people were ingesting something like 30 drops at a time, that's usually about 1.5mL and that's a ton of the stuff! Most aroma compounds achieve effects at blood plasma concentrations in the ng/kg range. This shows us that the oral route is not effective. Aromatherapists usually discourage drinking essential oils for this very reason, unless there is a specific purpose (whether clinical or spiritual).
Much better methods are what I described above. I actually experimented with more essential oils in a tea light (about 15 drops, which from my 1mL dropper comes out around 0.5mL) since yesterday - this thread got me back into aromatherapy, believe it or not, after a long hiatus. I really like the candle method. It combines a lot of elements and senses: smell, heat from the flame, light, spiritual significance; in my spiritual tradition (Judaism), the flame represents the soul of man, bound to earth but striving to break free, and I found great meaning using the candle this morning.
Heat the wax first by letting the candle burn for a few minutes, and a pocket of wax will have become liquid. Safe method is to then blow out the candle, drop 15 drops of oil into the still liquid wax, and then either let the wax set and use it later, or relight the candle and enjoy now. I used the mix from above (lemongrass, lime, and sweet basil) and I actually got high. You should only leave the candle lit until you start to feel the effects of whatever oil(s) you are using. [EDIT: what I mean by this is when using new oils, you should be cautious, because people have different reactions to different compounds, and a lit candle will keep burning and filling the room with stuff even if you feel sick or uneasy.] Keep the candle close by for quickest effects, or across the room for slower effects. Either way make sure you can either leave the room or get fresh air if you start to feel something that you aren't in to.
steppa - You have inspired me. Post on using essential oils for various purposes to follow. :thumb_up: