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k1w1.....b04nc4y4 sourced Diplopterys cabrerana (Alicia anisopetala) seed grown leaf

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Rising Star
Hi Folks,

I am currently working on a small project to provide a Diplopterys cabrerana clone to my local ethnobotanical community. As imports of plants and dry source materials are prohibited where I live, growing out seeds supplied by kiwiboXanacaya is the only option for me sourcing this species. I currently have 6 seed grown plants that are similar in form to B. caapi but have large hairy leaves. I have cloned one vine a couple of times while still quite young using a layering method so she should be available within the community soon. I would however prefer to determine her potential as an Ayahuasca source before spreading her to widely to prevent disappointment.

I have read a little online regarding Diplopterys cabrerana and I am familiar with the current thought that there are 3 different species that are regarded to be Chaliponga in South America. This obviously results in there being some contention as to which of the 3 is botanically classified as Diplopterys cabrerana. Seed photos provided by the vendor have a basic resemblance to botanical drawings I have seen of the seed for this species but there remain doubts.

As the community for which I am a part of relies so heavily on grown materials, my first concern is not whether the seed provided will result in Diplopterys cabrerana, but whether it will result in a reliable source material. I assume that this species is likely to result in a reliable source material irrespective of the botanical classification as the vendor also supplies dried Diplopterys cabrerana leaves. The images provided of these leaves in their webstore look very similar to my home grown leaves and they dry to a similar color, so I suspect they are the same species. I can’t however purchase these leaves and brew or x to determine the source potential as they are a prohibited import where I live.

So far given the small size of my 1 year old vines I have only made one small test of the material in the form of a brew. The brew contained 5 g of dried leaves and 40g of dried vine. The resulting journey was reminiscent of previous vine only brews with heavy body load and no tripamine effect. I feel that there are too many factors at play working with such young material so have decided to halt further studies along this line until I can determine a yield through xing some of the older material in a few months time. This will then give me more idea of where to pick up (obviously this wont take into account 5meo so I will still have to remain on the cautious side).

I am starting this thread to both update my work on this species but also to ask for help from fellow Nexian to further knowledge on this species potential as an Ayahuasaca source plant. As this plant is currently within the wider nexus community this knowledge can be gained on two fronts. The first, that I am most interested in, is the potential of the leaf material provide by the vendor. Of interest are the results of any brews or extracts undertaken with the material. Second is where folks are at with working with their home grown material.

Given that the availability of source materials within the wider nexus community is susceptible to unknown future political changes, I believe this work is becoming more and more important towards evolving a sustainable community and I thank everyone who is willing to support and contribute toward this project.
Regarding extraction techs suitable for leaf material, success has been found when using the lextech_v1 to extract clean white crystals from Psychotria viridis leaf. Cooking leaves whole reduces the amount of chlorophyll ending up in the extraction.

Is there other methods that folks prefer to use to extract leaf material?
I would also like to determine the 5meo dmt yield of these leaves.

Does anyone know an easy tech to determine both dmt and 5meo yields or is this asking to much?
Thanks for the point in the right direction dreamr042.

In a way I am a little glad of this fact as I'm not sure that given my limited experience I would be able to extract it out if it was present. It also makes it easier to determine the yield of actives if DMT is thought to be the major influence in the experience. It would be interesting to know how much the other unknown alkaloids detected in the test influence the chaliponga Ayahuasca experience.

To date my Ayahuasca experience is limited to brewing with Chacruna so I'm literally coming at this from the ground up.
I have kiwiboancaya chaliponga, and if i need to, i will send it to someone to test.

edit: yes there are several plants known as chaliponga, the one we really want is banisteriopsis rusbyana and it is a vine closely resembling the ayahuasca vine. the leaves are used. Another plant refered to as chaliponga is a small brush
Harmalosa said:
I have kiwiboancaya chaliponga, and if i need to, i will send it to someone to test.

edit: yes there are several plants known as chaliponga, the one we really want is banisteriopsis rusbyana and it is a vine closely resembling the ayahuasca vine. the leaves are used. Another plant refered to as chaliponga is a small brush

Have you brewed with the chaliponga yet? If so, how much did you add per dose and how would you rate the effects? Have you brewed with other strains of Chaliponga from other suppliers and if so how do they compare?

It might be best to refrain from sending materials directly through the nexus as this lowers the anonimity of the forum and can potentially make the community vulnerable. I do however very much appreciate your help and willingness to be involved in working out the potential of this source material.

Cheers mate and thanks again.
An update to this plant -

A post by jamie in this thread - Chaliponga Grow Log - The Ethnobotanical Garden - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus

leads me to believe that this vine is Alicia anisopetala, a form of black Ayahuasca vine.

The full thread explaining this discovery is discussed here - Photo of Chaliponga - Ayahuasca Forums

Given this discovery it is unlikely that that I will be able to extract dmt from the leaves myself and will have to rely on more detailed analysis to determine the contents of this species vine sections and leaves.

When I made a brew with these leaves I felt extremely sick and was spinning wildly but I just assumed they were not active and only the vine was providing the strong effects. Given that this plant is used as a form of Ayahuasca, these leaves may have added substantially to increase the hamala content of my brew.
Will do jamie. And thanks for keeping a track on the developments of this vine also.

Here is an image of a herbarium specimen of Alicia anisopetala


Despite the poor quality of the image the seeds shown do closely resemble the chaliponga seeds supplied by KiwiboXancaya.
I have done some preliminary testing to determine if further testing of this material is worthwhile.

I made up two ethanol tinctures of equal volume with 2g of the Alicia anisopetala and two 2g of Banisteriopsis caapi cielo cultivar leaf. I then put them under black light.

The Alicia anisopetala test -

The Banisteriopsis caapi cielo cultivar -

I also smoked a fat joint of the Alicia anisopetala and got mild physical effects off it for a number of hours.
Sorry I had an issue with loading the images. I'll try again.

The Alicia anisopetala test -

The black light resulted in an orange glow.


  • Alicia.JPG
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The Banisteriopsis caapi cielo cultivar -

Resulted in a yellow glow


  • Caapi.JPG
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The species of focus in this thread has recently been re assessed and quoted by the supplier as Alicia anisopetala a species of black Ayahuasca or Ayahuaca negra. Given the results of the above fairly crude test I think this species is well in need of further detailed testing.

Given my experience of using this plant I will be in no great rush to use her again as it tends towards strong nausea. I am sure though that there is plenty more work to be done with this plant and a detailed analysis would provide strong evidence on where we can head next with this plant.
I just checked the vendors website and found that they have changed all reference of this plant to Alicia anisopelala (Black Ayahuasca). They even have the mature vine available for purchase - http://www.kiwiboancaya.net/index.php?route=product/product&path=38&product_id=152

It is recommended to only add a little of this vine to a brew as it is very powerful. I don't doubt it. It would be interesting to see if the vine and leaves have similar alkaloid profiles. My vines are growing quite slow and I think it will be a few years before they produce harvestable vine section. I think I will have to give it a go once my vines are thick enough but I will be prepared for some full on nausea and a rough ride.
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