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Infundibulum, thanks for your response.. I totally get it... the "experiment" was like I said in the original post, SWIM wanted to see the myriad of effects and SWIM also wanted his good friends to have the same level of experience, and sure enough there was a very high rate of success.

The decision to not even try drugs is stupid in SWIM's opinion (NOT A STATEMENT OF FACT) simply because these people dont know what they're missing... a lot of drug users report no longer caring about stupid shit, and I believe (believe) it enhances life because mother nature is imperfect.. there is a big difference between our work and consume reality to the reality shown to you through entheogens.  SWIM is fundamentally concerned about the consequences of substances, meth ruins cities, coke ruins citys, alcohol ruins lives, cigarattes kill people.... I believe the smart legalisation and control of substances would lead to a much more peaceful world... could be wrong of course... it's just an opinion.

In regards enforcement, of course I dont think anything should be enforced, but I do believe people should have access to substances and try them to find what works best for them... SWIM doesnt like any of the legal drugs, but when I was younger thats what I would do because thats all I could get.... fundamentally I do believe in better living through chemistry.

I dont know about side effects being irrelevant, perhaps a better way to explain it is that if a drug does something to you that overwhelms the positive effects, IE makes your life worse, then you shouldnt take it.  It sounds simple but most people cant observe that because of addiction.

To be honest, I think we funadamentally agree on most things.

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