Maybe I should not have hit the post button there...
Absolutely!! That's exactly what it was.
I am not a scientist at all nor did I claim in anyway to be one.
(Clearly...I mixed up subjective & objective...whoops
But I do know & interact both professionally & personally with a number of them, on a daily basis.
I had no intention of debating anything with you, just to point out that what you where saying & the way you are saying it did not seem to be all that scientific, despite you saying that you where a scientist with a PhD.
The points you where making just seemed to not really be looking at things from all sides. Instead coming from the opinion of "I know best". Which is rather unscientific...ya know.
BTW, there is absolutely no need for any "proof"...that's kind of my point.
I think usual...said it a little better than I did though.
I apologize if I stepped on your toes, but like the other fellas said, I'm just a bit skeptical anymore when things are that uneven.