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Art, for someone who is not trying to attack, you're doing a hell of a job of it... once again... I am not discussing my career with you, I dont care what you think, is your ego that big that you think I'm trying to impress you or something?.  Have you even graduated high school cuz apparently you can't even read... I'm not wasting my time explaining to you what you got wrong there, but I would advise you to carefull read all my posts again... but just like warrensaged you cant even sight 1 example of how I sound like a "high school dude" what does that even mean anyway? I was smart in high school as well... have you got a problem with high school kids... you sound like a hypocrite and read all my posts carefully again before attacking me.  Just like the other post this one says nothing, you have nothing to say, nothing constructive, nothing usefull, your not even accurate in your attacks.

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