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It's kind of amazing that DMT is getting that well known as to be available on the street.

I mean, I am not surprised that it is being seen around the Festis since DMT has made a comeback due to the internet but other than the Festi scene I can't imagine where to find any.

Indeed my first extraction was done because I knew that if I didn't extract it I would probably be waiting the rest of my life to try it.

I can see it being shared around amongst friends who know about it but can hardly picture it being sold on the street like crack or something.

But then what do I know. Weed is illegal but in most place Salvia is still legal and booze is legal everywhere. Having read Salvia reports ( I've smoked DMT but haven't experienced Salvia as of yet ) it amazes me how it is decided what is legal  and illegal.

But that is the double edged sword of all these substances. The world needs them but the more you share it out the more danger one brings as irresponsible people play w/ sacred substances. The more I learn the less comfortable one gets sharing info. Especially sources.

These substances can be a lot of fun but are not toys and should be kept out of the hands of the irresponsible. But that makes us have to decide who gets to learn/do what and that goes against what most of us believe.

Quite a conundrum eh?

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