Tena Koutou
Haere mai Te Aotearoa land of the long white cloud New Zealand.
Ko Wharariki te maunga my mountain is Wharariki.
Ko Wairoa te awa my river is the Wairoa.
Ko Ngai Tahu Te iwi my tribe is Ngai Tahu.
Ko Hawkeye Ahua.
My story begins here and now.
I have known experience.
My galactic kin is Cosmic mirror.
I am guided by my brother wind.
I endure in order to reflect
transcending order.
blessed be you with peace and aroha.
Haere mai Te Aotearoa land of the long white cloud New Zealand.
Ko Wharariki te maunga my mountain is Wharariki.
Ko Wairoa te awa my river is the Wairoa.
Ko Ngai Tahu Te iwi my tribe is Ngai Tahu.
Ko Hawkeye Ahua.
My story begins here and now.
I have known experience.
My galactic kin is Cosmic mirror.
I am guided by my brother wind.
I endure in order to reflect
transcending order.
blessed be you with peace and aroha.