I am wondering if it would be possible to mix an aqueous extraction of dmt with some kind of herb, perhaps parsley for oral ingestion.
Here is a hypothetical method I have been thinking about:
Of course, I could always try ingesting the raw mimosa powder, but then I assume I would also get the yuremamine effects and the tannins.
Here is a hypothetical method I have been thinking about:
Any ideas if this will work and if it could be stored for years without noticable loss?I was thinking of extracting 10 gram of mimosa with fumaric acid, then remove the tannins with gelatin.
I will prepare about 10 gram of a yet to be decided herb and pour the reduced mimosa brew over it. The liquid will be just enough to soak the herb. Then I will mix it very well, and evaporate in the oven.
After this, I will powder it further in a coffee grinder to be sure that everything is mixed thoroughly. I don't want some parts of the mixture to be more potent than other parts...
Reason I want to try this is that I find that aqueous solutions to be a bit unstable and tricky to store for longer periods, without some form of loss. Also, I am not particularly keen on extraction.
10 gram of mimosa would be about 10 doses for me. So when ingesting, it would be about 1 gram of herb.
Of course, I could always try ingesting the raw mimosa powder, but then I assume I would also get the yuremamine effects and the tannins.