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Lack of experience :|

Migrated topic.


Greetings everyone.

I'm practically still a teenager and from Denmark.
I joined this forum in hope of seeking information on DMT in general, and this seems to be >the< place regarding everything about DMT, so that's excellent.

I've always been an atheist and have through the past year been very active in religious debates. I wouldn't say I'm close minded at all, as I accept everything as truth, as long as it has underlying evidence.
The whole non-spiritual life-style that I have, sort of conflicts with many stories of DMT experiences, and I don't really know how to look at the matter. Part of me would see DMT as a neurological process in the brain and nothing more than that. Another part suspects that DMT may have a true spiritual connection, but I don't really know what exactly to believe.

I haven't tried DMT myself either, but I've been looking into it for about 1½ year now, but still have a lot of questions. I hope that at least some of my speculations will be answered once I go through the experience in a few months from now, unless I find answers beforehand.

I have however smoked weed for about 2 years now and also snorted 2c-b numerous times, but I'd imagine that 2c-b is increadibly mild in comparison with DMT.

I've heard a lot from people that you should go into a DMT trip without any expectations, but what about questions? Especially questions regarding an afterlife etc? Depending on how you look at it, that could also be considered an expectation to some extent, so I'd really like to know.

It feels quite controversial to introduce myself on a DMT forum with no DMT experience, but I hope you'll bear with me. I don't know how much I can actually contribute to the forum, as I don't have any extensive knowledge of the experience itself. But I will probably be asking a few questions when they come to mind etc.

I'll assure you that I'll return with trip reports and all that great stuff after I've trid it out for myself.

May you all have a great day.
Hello Erase,

Welcome to the Nexus, you've come to the right place on the internet! Many of us joined the nexus like you: without any experience and full of questions about this incredible molecule. The nexus is a forum open to DMT enthusiasts, whether they have smoked it or not.

You wrote that you've done 2c-b and cannabis in the past. DMT cannot be compared to either of these substances but they can give you a minor heads up of what is coming when you smoalk DMT.

In regards to going into a trip with questions, many people who travel with DMT start their smoking session with meditation. They calm their mind, focus themselves on their intent and re-affirm this. This intent can be anything, from purely exploring the DMT-realm(which many of us like to call hyperspace) to asking themselves big or small questions. Smoking DMT isn't a guarantee that these questions will be answered. Sometimes they are but most of the time you're left with more and complexer questions than before your trip.

The way you mention the afterlife makes it sounds as if you're struggling with your current views on life and death. Perhaps I am wrong, but I used to struggle intensely with my mortality. Psychedelics helped me gain insights into these struggles and helped ease them. While they cannot help you answer these questions, they can help you accept what is coming and help reduce the fear of the unknown.

Don't expect to find answers about your spirituality in DMT, it will only make the questions more complex and utterly impossible to comprehend. But if you don't mind more questions than answers, then DMT is totally your cup of tea.

You said you've been looking for DMT for over 1.5 years. Perhaps you should give up your quest of finding DMT and start a quest of extracting DMT. We here at the Nexus believe that one should extract their own DMT because that gives us absolutely certainty that what we smoke IS in fact DMT and that it is safe to smoke. Have a look at the wiki, there are a ton of extraction TEKs there and there is a whole list of plants you can find locally or grow yourself. Mimosa hostilis rootbark, the main ingredient for most extractions, has recently become unavailable due to law enforcement cracking down it. The TEKs are still viable for other DMT containing plants though.

Welcome the Nexus and good luck :)
There are many members here who haven't tried DMT yet and are here to research the subject first, which is exactly what you should be doing. So no controversy there.

You are unlikely to get concrete answers about spiritual matters from psychedelics. During the peak of your trip you may feel as though you are experiencing an undeniable higher truth, but this stuff is notoriously difficult to bring back. Going in with specific questions isn't a bad thing, but it's rare to get specific answers.

That said, you are likely to have any simplistic atheistic notions shaken to the core. You may experience something that feels like total unity with all that is, a merging with a universal consciousness that is at the same time both all of you, and much larger than you. Many of these big truths are rife with contradictions.

I've had hundreds of strong psychedelic experiences, most of them 15-20 years ago with plenty of time to integrate. And if I were handed a multiple-choice questionnaire asking for my religion, I would probably still answer, "atheist". But it is a word with a lot of cultural baggage, including a sense of being closed to the idea of a higher power. And although I definitely reject the conclusions of the manmade religions, I don't necessarily subscribe to a simple materialistic viewpoint either. Psychedelics absolutely had a huge impact on the hard line stance that I had as a young man. So be ready for that.
Wow, thank you guys. It's truly admiring to be greeted with such high quality welcomes, that's a rare sight on the internet.

You see, both my parents passed away last year, with both deaths within 1 month of each other. That pretty much turned around and f***ed my life up. I have gotten a some mental problems such as major depresseion and anxiety.
This all lead me to question many aspects of life and existence itself. I'm pretty much deprived of life at this point, and I hope that the upcoming experience will sprout some life back into me.

The reason I wouldn't be able to extract it myself is because I live with my step father and I would definitely prefer to keep all drug related stuff away from him.

Thanks once again.
Erase said:
I'm pretty much deprived of life at this point, and I hope that the upcoming experience will sprout some life back into me.

Erase...stick around here and Read, Read, Read (especially the older posts), It's sooo far from depressing it's just not funny.

Nexus+ a DMT experience will almost certainly change your life...for the better. 😉

Welcome through the best door you'll ever open..:thumb_up:
Well thank you very much sir cyb.

And I really hope so, but everything comes to those who wait, so I'll just have to be patient.

As long as it's not heaven's door :thumb_up:
Before I took DMT I shared more or less the same opinions you have now, I wasn't athiest but very much agnostic to a lot of religious idealogy and theological ideology.

Had some pretty potent 2cb at festivals this summer, also some pretty potent acid, and some shrooms. None of those (albeit I need more experience) even come close to DMT, not even a scratch. It's beyond words, beyond understanding, to even suggest my eyes, that it's simply a neurological event in the brain, is insane.

No words can even begin to describe the places I went on my first DMT trip, no word's at all. So much beauty, terror, love, anger, many emotions, many colours, many places and many thing's.

I'm now a deeply spiritual person, I've gone from physicist obsessive to theological obessive, trying to coin out what consciousness actually is, what we're actually experiencing, I now have some faith in God. Me and a friend name it Pulse. A Story for other times however.

Welcome to the nexus, give yourself time, DMT will find you, not the other way around.

Much love, peace.
Oh Erase,

Welcome to the Nexus brother. I wish I could walk up to you and give you a hug. Still practically a teenager but lost both parents. I lost a parent to alcoholism and truly lost one to an untimely death at age 18.

You introduction essay and follow-up gave me a good sense of you. You are a young man with so much on his plate it is amazing and who no longer has a traditional support structure to fall back on. You are truly a man walking through life searching for answers in new and different places. At least that's the sense I got.

I believe one or more folks here mentioned meditation and I must say it has worked wonders for me. But, the main thing that worked wonders in dealing with death and loss, frankly, was time. There's a dumb saying in USA that time heals all wounds. In my limited, but 4+decades of experience, I find that time puts strong scar-like coverings over wounds and allows me to function well even though I remain marked. I don't know if this makes any sense. I felt a strong emotional pull from what you wrote and I apologize if I'm basically just dumping my own stuff here. Cause that's not right.

This introduction is yours and I was very impressed. Many folks here do NOT use DMT. Some have never used and will never use DMT but they love the site and the debates, etc. Some folks believe the DMT breakthrough state has some relationship to the afterlife. Some do not. There is a diversity of beliefs and people here.

DMT is infamous for sometimes giving answers, but basically not and leaving users with even more questions. This warning is very legit DMT-Nexus Wiki:Health and Safety - DMT-Nexus Wiki . This thread is very legit Why you should NOT take DMT - First steps in Hyperspace - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus .

Time is your main ally I suspect. No need to rush into a DMT experience, though I know you seek answers. It's your life and choice. You have come here at a revolutionary time when new plants and teks are being researched to get DMT.

If you ever want to chat - check the chat link at the top of your forum pages. A number of us nuts hang out there a lot and could probably provide some mildly stimulating conversation and debate on topics that interest you.

Again, welcome to the Nexus.
Erase said:
Wow, thank you guys. It's truly admiring to be greeted with such high quality welcomes, that's a rare sight on the internet.

You see, both my parents passed away last year, with both deaths within 1 month of each other. That pretty much turned around and f***ed my life up. I have gotten a some mental problems such as major depresseion and anxiety.
This all lead me to question many aspects of life and existence itself. I'm pretty much deprived of life at this point, and I hope that the upcoming experience will sprout some life back into me.

The reason I wouldn't be able to extract it myself is because I live with my step father and I would definitely prefer to keep all drug related stuff away from him.

Thanks once again.

Welcome to the Nexus, you should find some valuable stuff here and a lot of good people.
I'm sorry to hear about you parents :( But I'm happy you found us here at the Nexus.
You say you're an atheist but you sound much more like agnostic wich I think is a good thing. Keep an open mind but be sceptic.
One of my best friends was agnostic until he broke through on DMT. It was the first time he tried it and he came back a changed man. He say's he now knows there are other worlds and realities. He got his proof :)

I was agnostic too until around 20-21 years old. Then I went through some things in my life that convinced me of the existence of other realities. Both higher and lower. And intelligence of higher structure. It's a personal experience and I do not tell people what they should believe nor can anyone tell me there's no afterlife or anything out of this spectrum of reality that the tools of western science can grasp. I've seen further.
DMTripper said:
Erase said:
Wow, thank you guys. It's truly admiring to be greeted with such high quality welcomes, that's a rare sight on the internet.

You see, both my parents passed away last year, with both deaths within 1 month of each other. That pretty much turned around and f***ed my life up. I have gotten a some mental problems such as major depresseion and anxiety.
This all lead me to question many aspects of life and existence itself. I'm pretty much deprived of life at this point, and I hope that the upcoming experience will sprout some life back into me.

The reason I wouldn't be able to extract it myself is because I live with my step father and I would definitely prefer to keep all drug related stuff away from him.

Thanks once again.

Welcome to the Nexus, you should find some valuable stuff here and a lot of good people.
I'm sorry to hear about you parents :( But I'm happy you found us here at the Nexus.
You say you're an atheist but you sound much more like agnostic wich I think is a good thing. Keep an open mind but be sceptic.
One of my best friends was agnostic until he broke through on DMT. It was the first time he tried it and he came back a changed man. He say's he now knows there are other worlds and realities. He got his proof :)

I was agnostic too until around 20-21 years old. Then I went through some things in my life that convinced me of the existence of other realities. Both higher and lower. And intelligence of higher structure. It's a personal experience and I do not tell people what they should believe nor can anyone tell me there's no afterlife or anything out of this spectrum of reality that the tools of western science can grasp. I've seen further.

I'm an agnostic atheist. Which means that I find it highly unlikely that there is a god, but I can't deny it with 100% certainty, as it's logically impossible to disprove a negative.
Agnostics are exactly in-between atheist and theism, and therefore do not have an opinion on the matter, as they either find that both sides either come with equally good reasons for their position, or because neither side comes with any sufficient answers.

Atheist doesn't deal with anything else than the existence of god. So you could potentially be an atheist believing in an afterlife, karma, parallel dimensional beings etc.
A majority of buddhists are atheists for example, only because buddhism doesn't incorporate a god.
Erase said:
I'm an agnostic atheist. Which means that I find it highly unlikely that there is a god, but I can't deny it with 100% certainty, as it's logically impossible to disprove a negative.

Ahhhhh, Divine Humanity denying Your Divinity. That's a problem going around. Erase, my friend, there Is a God, and YOU are IT. You, Erase!!! YOU ARE GOD. The Light of Creation.

But, of course, These are just MY beliefs, not yours. But that's what Life is, is it not? An open and Honest exchange of Ideas so we can Transform Earth into Her Native Glory.
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