I put this together over the past few days and have an issue :- Uneven Air Flow 
The blower is a Kruger KDD 7/7 165W 4P-1 1SY w/mf 1300rpm
The HEPA is a 610mm x 305mm x 70mm 0.3um 99.9991% H14 fibreglass media with a aluminium frame.
The pre-filter is an opel corsa (spp of car) air filter
holding a lighter or even a hand infront of the hepa filter exposes the fact that the airflow is not even - there is enough airflow near the top and bottom of the filter to most often extinguish a lighter flame whereas the pressure around rest of the workspace is even and doesnt extinguish the flame but rather bends it.
is my possitive pressure too high ? does the prefilter mounted between the blower and hepa create turbulance ? would a motor speed controller fix it ? etc, etc, etc... ?
i need to get this device operational asap (pleurotis farming atm)
thanks for yawl input.
here are some pics (will upload more later)
The blower is a Kruger KDD 7/7 165W 4P-1 1SY w/mf 1300rpm
The HEPA is a 610mm x 305mm x 70mm 0.3um 99.9991% H14 fibreglass media with a aluminium frame.
The pre-filter is an opel corsa (spp of car) air filter
holding a lighter or even a hand infront of the hepa filter exposes the fact that the airflow is not even - there is enough airflow near the top and bottom of the filter to most often extinguish a lighter flame whereas the pressure around rest of the workspace is even and doesnt extinguish the flame but rather bends it.
is my possitive pressure too high ? does the prefilter mounted between the blower and hepa create turbulance ? would a motor speed controller fix it ? etc, etc, etc... ?
i need to get this device operational asap (pleurotis farming atm)
thanks for yawl input.
here are some pics (will upload more later)